Clickbank's "Order Form Submit Count"

3 replies
I'm a bit perplexed about my CB sales which incidentally haven't had the best month of August.

The main part that I don't understand is why the figure under "Order Form Submit Count" is up to 3 times higher than "Initial Sales Count".

Surely if someone submits an order, it should appear as a sale :confused:

Can any CB expert shed some light on that?

#clickbank #order form submit count
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

    Surely if someone submits an order, it should appear as a sale :confused:
    About 75+% of the time, or something.

    Some aren't processed by ClickBank and don't turn into sales, because the credit-card's declined, there's a PayPal problem, the credit-card's stolen, the person's been banned by ClickBank as a serial refunder, and for one or two other reasons. But most of them should turn into sales, yes.

    Having three times as many order-form submissions as sales is very concerning indeed.

    There are many threads about this here, and some of them do include helpful suggestions. Some of the later ones include links to the earlier ones, which are also worth reading.

    I wish you good luck in resolving this.

    This was a recent thread and this one is from earlier this month, and there are suggestions here and maybe here ... it's somewhere to start from, anyway. But there is a problem here, looks like.
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    • Profile picture of the author JRemington
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      About 75+% of the time, or something.

      Some aren't processed by ClickBank and don't turn into sales, because the credit-card's declined, there's a PayPal problem, the credit-card's stolen, the person's been banned by ClickBank as a serial refunder, and for one or two other reasons. But most of them should turn into sales, yes.

      Having three times as many order-form submissions as sales is very concerning indeed.

      There are many threads about this here, and some of them do include helpful suggestions. Some of the later ones include links to the earlier ones, which are also worth reading.

      I wish you good luck in resolving this.

      This was a recent thread and this one is from earlier this month, and there are suggestions here and maybe here ... it's somewhere to start from, anyway. But there is a problem here, looks like.
      It's not always 3 times higher than the initial sales count fortunately

      But yes, most like the same person trying to use multiple methods to get the product, without success. I didn't think of that.
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  • Profile picture of the author JRemington
    Looking through some of the threads you kindly linked to, I see I've also had the same issues lots of people have had: daily sales for weeks and then NO sales for 8 days in a row.

    There is something very erratic about my CB sales at the moment so I'm going open a new account and test. I'll update all my link forwarders with new hop links that correspond to the new account and see how that goes.
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