How much do you think my website is worth?

16 replies

Just wondering how much do you think my website is worth:

There are over 100 unique pages, all written by myself since 2007.

Monthly Unique Visitors: May 2011 - 3774
Monthly Visits: May 2011 - 6109
Monthly Pages Viewed: May 2011 - 8218

The only source of income is google adsense, for May,June and July 2011 I made £67.52/$109.83.

#website #worth
  • Profile picture of the author gotti3636
    Based on those earnings you could probably expect to get about $300 for it.
    Always looking to invest in or partner with people on business ideas. PM me!
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  • Profile picture of the author jfletcher89
    difficult to tell...

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    • Profile picture of the author highrank
      I'll have a guess

      I would say $200 - $500 with it's current stats.


      PR1 homepage
      Traffic (would need to show proof)
      Adsense revenue (would need to show proof)


      Alexa rank 6545546


      It looks like a nice little fixer-upper for someone who has the time.

      List in on Flippa, you will get at least $200 for it.

      PM me if you want me to flip it for you

      ---> Flappy Bird <---

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  • Profile picture of the author shuvo
    Well I have looked at your site and I think you are getting a good amount of visitors but still your income should be more than that.Try to bring some diversification in your income source rather than adsense.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveFinch
    Originally Posted by Owen Morgan View Post


    Just wondering how much do you think my website is worth:

    There are over 100 unique pages, all written by myself since 2007.

    Monthly Unique Visitors: May 2011 - 3774
    Monthly Visits: May 2011 - 6109
    Monthly Pages Viewed: May 2011 - 8218

    The only source of income is google adsense, for May,June and July 2011 I made £67.52/$109.83.


    I'm pretty sure you'd get some expat businesses prepared to pay to advertise on that site with the traffic you're getting. People would also pay to advertise their property such as, apartments, villas, cars, that kind of thing.
    If you're sure you want to sell it, maybe advertise it in a local expat majorcan newspaper or magazine.

    As to what you could get for it now, that's really difficult to say as I honestly believe someone living there would pay far more than you could get for it on flippa etc. A potential buyer might think it worth adding a forum as well.

    To summarize if you're tempted to hang on to it, use the expat community in that area, to help monetize it for you.

    All the best with it
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  • Profile picture of the author jekis4sv
    I would buy the site for $200 right now
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    • It's a good site that could be a lot better. Why don't you build some links?

      If you don't want to do it yourself, find someone who'll do it by hand.

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
      Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

        It's a good site that could be a lot better.
        I agree with fLufF.

        I think you might actually manage to get a little more for it than suggested above: I was thinking perhaps $400/$500, but I think you should really be trying to do some more with it yourself, before selling it, ideally.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Jess
    Looks like your site could be earning from banner ads placed on the right side.

    Sitting #1 on google uk for the keyword

    Get the banners on soon , you will see the difference if you list it on Flippa
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  • Profile picture of the author RS3RS
    How long has it been making that kind of income? If you've had it since 2007, is that income just a "bubble", or has it made that much for a documented period of time?

    Longevity of profit definitely plays a big part in the value of the site, as well as month-over-month growth. Even if it's not making much, it could be worth a lot if it has produced profit for years and shows steady growth from one month to the next.
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Morgan
    Thanks to everyone for leaving their comments.

    I started with the website as a hobby after finishing my A levels and only in the past couple of months its started making that kind of money. I've visited Majorca 22 times over the past 21 years so I've got to know the island inside out.

    Its true, I've started to slack with the website and I haven't been doing as much as I should have with it. The Alexa rank has dropped 3 million over the past 2 months.

    I think I'll take your advise and hold on to it and do some seo,build links and pages,unless I had a mad offer.

    Thanks Steve Finch, I'd really like to charge for advertising: hotels, villas, apartments... Its just getting hold of businesses.

    Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author nerflight
    very good start there
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  • Profile picture of the author kimjox
    100 $ in 3 months so average $30 monthly : The website can be worth $300 may be more .
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  • Profile picture of the author brianboyer
    $200 as it sits because of the low ranking and earnings.
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Morgan

    I'm thinking of hiring someone to increase my traffic and Alexa rank, what services would you recommend I request?

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  • Profile picture of the author IronRing
    Couple hundred I'd estimate too, the # of monthly visitors is not the greatest but still worth something
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