"Backdoor" method to get affiliates to look at your product...
Someone apparently knows my CB ID so they loaded a hop just one time.
I have nothing promoting their product so when it showed in my stats, I was naturally curious to see "gee, what is that and where did that clickthru come from?"
So I loaded the publishers page up with my affiliate ID loaded in the url.
I didn't buy the product, thought it was lame, but then I got an idea (like you must have too while reading this)
If I had a list of affiliate ID's and a script that sat on my desktop and loaded all the affiliate ID's one at a time, it would cause the affiliates to take a look at my page just out of curiosity.
Maybe this is old, maybe it's new - I have no idea.
Does anyone know of anyone using this technique and if there is a script available?
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