I'm a Scumbag Because I Recommend the Warrior Forum
I got a comment on my blog today. The person said:
"In my experience, the Warrior forum is where experienced marketers take advantage of newbies. I am very hesitant to trust you knowing that you repeatedly mention that forum, WSO's, etc.
Why are you different from any other "guru" on that site and if you are different, why do you spend so much time there? Is that the only way you make money, selling things to Warrior beginners?"
I answered by telling her that of course there are some bad apples - there are all over the Internet. But there are some WONDERFUL people here, too. I'm here (lol), Craig Desorcy is here - and he's who held my hand for not ONE single penny and got me to over 6 figures. Not one PENNY!
There are dozens and dozens of wonderful people here. And yeah, a few pricks - but they often bend themselves over a barrel with their reputation.
I explain that my total income is probably about 5% WF. I apologized if her experiences have been to get screwed in a WSO.
She then comes back saying:
"Thanks for the replies. I must tell you honestly though, just the fact that Tiffany mentions the Warrior forum so much will continue to make me very skeptical.
I just went there now and there are 1499 members online at this moment as I write this. Total number of members = 350,000+. That is an awful lot of members and Tiffany "named a few" ethical ones. Definitely not a big enough number for me.
So many people there teach other people how to make money with WSO's. It is an extremely incestuous environment and one that I will take special care to stay away from. It seems to me that any truly ethical marketers would want to stay away as well and distance themselves from it as much as possible.
If you truly know how to make money online why would anyone need to go back there unless it is to sell to newbies?"
Now I'm annoyed.
I'm all for hand holding a newbie - I do it day in, day out. But seriously? If you don't have common sense enough to know that you don't paint an entire group of people with one broad brushstroke, then you're pretty much SOL.
Here was my reply to her - and anyone else dropping by in here, half assing it when it comes to getting to KNOW people in here and become a good judge of character:
Well I know I wouldn't have cared if the ONLY one I found was Craig Desorcy - he is THE reason I am making money online, period. So one out of a million - if they're wonderful - is perfect for me. Guess you need to get offline then because screw the Warrior Forum - look at how many blogs and websites there are. Maybe only a SMALL fraction of them are good, too.
It's called tossing the baby out with the bath water. You're closed minded so if you want to steer clear of the WF and me, I'm fine with that. There's being a bit skeptical and cautious...and then there's utter ridiculousness.
And I make over 6 figures but I STILL go there to ask questions, to HELP newbies (is there something WRONG with helping newbies?) Oh wait, I know - I should devote 100% of my time FREE because otherwise it's scummy.
So it's okay to help in a free thread but brand my fat ass with a big S for scumbag if I run a WSO.
Listen newbies and otherwise - there's good and bad everywhere. Put on your big girl panties, grow some big balls - whatever you have to do - and take responsibility for your spending habits here. Investigate the members a bit - Google is great. Ask people. WATCH their habits before you fork over the dough.
But you won't. Because you have to HURRY and buy that next freaking report before everyone else saturates the market with that tactic, right?
Might you get screwed anyway once in awhile? Yes. If that happens, be vocal about it! Take it straight to the product owner FIRST. If that doesn't work, if it's a scam, head to the mods. If THAT doesn't work, blog about it and drag them through the mud.
Word of mouth is very powerful. Use it.
PS - If you're reading this (person who initially asked the question above), you have two choices - consider this a wake up call, start participating here and becoming part of a group, or go pout about it and say, "See? I told you she was a scumbag!" No skin off my nose either way.
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