An Introduction. And, Adsense On An Affiliate Niche Blog?

7 replies
Hello All,

After many false starts and WSO's purchased but not followed, I've finally taken some action to get going in IM. I purchased James Side's awesome Niche Predators WSO, and after watching the videos twice and reading the pdf's 3 times... I put up a site! Thank you, thank you!

Now, I know many of you have built hundreds of sites, but I feel ecstatic. This little 6-page micro niche blog is like my child.

I've placed an Adsense ad on my right sidebar, underneath a photo and brief about me post. I did this purely for aesthetics and symmetry - the site looked a tad bare without it.

Is this a bad thing? Will having Adsense on a Clickbank site upset Google or Clickbank? And will the ad take link juice away from my site?

Any advice is appreciated.
#adsense #affiliate #blog #introduction #niche
  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    You may be violation of Google's terms by putting a photo near your adsense. It depends how close it is.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordoInCA
      Originally Posted by Kierkegaard View Post

      You may be violation of Google's terms by putting a photo near your adsense. It depends how close it is.
      Damn! I had no idea! Thanks for the head's up! I just took Adsense off the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordoInCA
    Is that the only problem with my scenario though? On my future niche blogs, should Adsense and affiliate marketing never be combined?
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  • Profile picture of the author davejug1
    Prominence is going to be an issue. If you are giving Adsense ads above the fold then you are favouring it. Ask youself which would be most important to you and drop the other.

    Adesnse being contextual advertising, what you are actually diong here is giving your visitors EXACTLY what they want but you are giving them reason to leave your site and go to direct competition when what you want them to do is stay, read and buy through you. Added to that the Adsense ad opens up in the same window, you have lost the visitor altogether for the payment of how much?

    There is a very specific time and place for Adsense, and it is not for affiliate marketing.

    FREE List Building help. Click here!

    Yes I do have freebies!

    Expertise comes not through knowledge or skills, but through practice
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    • Profile picture of the author GordoInCA
      Originally Posted by davejug1 View Post

      Prominence is going to be an issue. If you are giving Adsense ads above the fold then you are favouring it. Ask youself which would be most important to you and drop the other.

      Adesnse being contextual advertising, what you are actually diong here is giving your visitors EXACTLY what they want but you are giving them reason to leave your site and go to direct competition when what you want them to do is stay, read and buy through you. Added to that the Adsense ad opens up in the same window, you have lost the visitor altogether for the payment of how much?

      There is a very specific time and place for Adsense, and it is not for affiliate marketing.

      Thanks for the advice Dave!

      You know, I've lurked around here for a couple of years but never really utilized this forum properly. It's such a great learning tool!
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  • Profile picture of the author davejug1
    No worries buddy, I'm always happy to help.

    Course others might have other ideas and that's the good thing about this community, you get all the possible options rather than one biased viewpoint.
    FREE List Building help. Click here!

    Yes I do have freebies!

    Expertise comes not through knowledge or skills, but through practice
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  • Profile picture of the author KamauAustin
    I'd say test. In some niches ebooks and infoproducts generate more income. In others Adsense will make sense - since it will generate more money.

    Also I'd do some investigation on which Adsense ads generate more clicks (for me usually square rectangles within content). You won't know in your niche until you test. You may even find a hybrid site with both infoproducts and Adsense work well.

    Or you can have a deep content site/portal with links to your mini-sites/sales pages. With this strategy you will make money on the front-end with Adsense (on your content portal/website) and on the backend (with your info-product mini-sales pages).

    Go for it and don't be afraid to fail. Failure teaches us our greatest lessons in life.

    Kamau Austin, helps emerging businesses vibe, survive, and thrive online. He is a Dadpreneur and Publisher of: eINFoNews . Austin is also a author of Raise Cash Fast and a SEO and Social Media Professional. Contact him at: Search Engine Plan

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