A question for Alexa Smith and MYOB
I was going to send both of you a PM with my questions, but figured others may benefit if I post this publicly.
My question is essentially on establishing a syndication network and how you manage it/distribute your articles.
Answering my question will obviously be much easier if you have a little background on what I am doing and my goals:
I am currently focused on just one niche and have extensive knowledge in this area. My site is filled with several hundred unique articles and growing daily.
My main goal is to to get my visitors on my list when they visit my site.
For the past couple of months, I have been writing several high quality articles a day and using SubmitYourArticle to distribute these pieces.
After coming here a few weeks back and reading the message both of you are giving about syndication, I became sold on the idea. For the last week I have been meticulously digging up blogs/newsletters in my niche that I can write for.
I will probably be writing about 25-30 articles in this niche each month. Most pieces will be around 1000 words.
I have read countless posts written by both of you, but there are some holes I need to fill in and would appreciate some clarity on the issues below:
Thank you so much!
My question is essentially on establishing a syndication network and how you manage it/distribute your articles.
Answering my question will obviously be much easier if you have a little background on what I am doing and my goals:
I am currently focused on just one niche and have extensive knowledge in this area. My site is filled with several hundred unique articles and growing daily.
My main goal is to to get my visitors on my list when they visit my site.
For the past couple of months, I have been writing several high quality articles a day and using SubmitYourArticle to distribute these pieces.
After coming here a few weeks back and reading the message both of you are giving about syndication, I became sold on the idea. For the last week I have been meticulously digging up blogs/newsletters in my niche that I can write for.
I will probably be writing about 25-30 articles in this niche each month. Most pieces will be around 1000 words.
I have read countless posts written by both of you, but there are some holes I need to fill in and would appreciate some clarity on the issues below:
- I assume you contact your syndication networks through email? Do you ask for permission to put them on your lists, etc?
- What kind of program do you use to handle these emails lists?
- Do you send out one big broadcast each time you have written a new article? If I am going to be writing 30 articles a month - I obviously don't want to be blasting these articles out to my network each day, right?
- Do you ever have problems with editors/blog owners asking for exclusive content?
- I would like to keep using SYA to push my articles out there in the hope that they will end up on relevant sites. Should I use the same articles I send out to my syndication network, as I use on SYA?
Thank you so much!
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[SALES COPYWRITING] "$80,000 in Just One Email!"
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