I Just Unsubscribed From YOUR List! Here's Why...
I was on your list because I purchased something from you. This means that I trust you, I have an open mind... and an open wallet.
But where's the love?
How about throwing me the occasional bone that will actually help my grow my business?
Is that all you have to offer? A barrage of marketing emails that simply ask me for more money?
Did you ever stop to consider that if I haven't yet used the first product, I may be struggling and need some help? Did you ever stop to consider that if it doesn't work then I won't buy from you ever again.
Do you even care? Are you about making some sales here and there or building a real, long term business?
Maybe it's the former and you're doing ok. If so then good luck to you but don't expect me to buy from you ever again.
What's that.. I'm talking cr@p?
If that's your view, then consider this...
If you're selling ongoing new products such as PLR packs: Have you considered the prospect that if I actually consume your product and make the money that you guarantee I'll make... then I'll keep coming back every time.
But what about those customers who aren't savvy, or are newbies? Have you ever thought about setting up a blog and posting some really helpful hints and tips on a regular basis?
Heaven forbid that you build relationships with these people. Why waste time doing that? It's easier to send out a promo email. Never mind credibility, eh?
What about other people's products?
Nothing like a quick % is there. But do you really think that I don't know that you're after the % and have probably never used the product? Ah well, you can fool some of the people some of the time, so all's sweet.
You see, when I started out in IM, it was all about relationships and building trust. My income grew relative to the value I provided. Sadly, that doesn't seem to matter these days. But it sure as hell explains why there is such a churn in this industry and why over 90% fail.
Now don't get me wrong... I am happy to hear about your latest product.
But here's the rub...
If you're one of the few who actually care enough to help my business grow, I'll buy from you in an instant. Heck, I even buy products from a select few even if I don't really need them. I do this because they care. Their products and communication have made a huge impact on my business. So I almost see them as family and buy their stuff simply to support THEM and return the love.
So wake up and get a clue!
Make the effort. Show me some love. Throw me a bone. It doesn't have to be massive... just show me that you know what you're doing and that you appreciate my business.
So please - STOP sending me emails every 48 hours asking me to buy something.
With the economy hanging by a thread, now is the time to really take care of your customers and create some loyalty. Sure beats pulling your hair out trying to find new customers.
Think about it.

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When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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