Critics Needed for "Unemployed for a Living."

14 replies

I have been promoting a FREE ebook for a few months now called Unemployed for a Living: The Inspiring True Stories of The Rich and Jobless.

It's a collection of inspiration stories about people who earn a comfortable living online. I have included several affiliate links to various products and programs outlined in the book, then I offer FREE downloads to anyone who visits the site in return for a Name and Email capture.

Recently, I have ramped up my promotion for the book and I am getting more and more downloads. I will be doing even more television and radio marketing in the future and I want to make sure that the book is THE BEST IT CAN BE, not just as a high-converting money maker, but also as an enjoyable and informative read.

Many people here at WF have downloaded copies and shared some critiques of the book. I love that! And they have been very helpful. I'd like even more ideas from others here as I know that this is a group of intelligent and HONEST marketing pros.

If anyone is willing to take a look and share some ideas of how-to make the book BETTER from a marketing stand point I would be forever grateful...good and bad.

Here is the direct link (so you can bypass the email capture):


#critics #needed #unemployed for a living
  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Dodson
    Just downloaded it.

    I'll take a look at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Simons
    I took a look at it it looks fine

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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Kaye
      Originally Posted by Doug Simons View Post

      I took a look at it it looks fine

      Really? Nothing you would change at all? That's good news I guess. Thanks for taking the time.
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      • Profile picture of the author dotslash
        Well I'm no expert but it's a really good read and the stories are quite inspiring.

        My thoughts are - you should cloak your affiliate links and personally I didn't like all the full page 'offers' at the beginning of the book. In fact I very nearly closed the book after the 2nd one as it looked like it was just a list of adverts - I'm glad I didn't though

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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Kaye
          Originally Posted by dotslash View Post

          I didn't like all the full page 'offers' at the beginning of the book. In fact I very nearly closed the book after the 2nd one as it looked like it was just a list of adverts - I'm glad I didn't though
          Too many of them or you just didn't like them there at all? Would one be better?
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          • Profile picture of the author dotslash
            Originally Posted by Mark Kaye View Post

            Too many of them or you just didn't like them there at all? Would one be better?
            Well I thought the wrong place - it's the first thing you see - adverts without little build up or background, sort of like putting ads in the first three pages of a novel

            I just found it a little confusing and out of context....but then I'm easily confused !
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          • Profile picture of the author Michele Miller
            That's a pretty cool book. I would definitely do something with those affiliate links though.

            The thing is, with people downloading these books with your affiliate links in, what if the site you're recommending closes, then those links become useless, right? So, the best thing to do is make a "redirect link", such as for example. Then if the blogging site you are recommending closes down, you can simply get another blogging site to promote, without having to change the links in the book, and of course not being able to change the links in the books that have already been downloaded. You would simply update your redirect link. You can easily do this in your cpanel.

            For other types of link cloaking, the best program I found is Affiliate Cloner - Best Solution To Protect Your Affiliate Links (Not my affiliate link.) Or, you can get a free one which is good called Profit Protector I think.

            If I was you, I would add an entire page of RESOURCES FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO START AN ONLINE BUSINESS. I would make them all affiliate links, and list everything from how to build websites, best places for hosting, best books about blogging, (not just one.) Where to get graphics, web sites designed, autoresponders like, etc. The list is endless. Just think about everything you'd want to know if you wanted to start an online business.

            I'd also offer an e-course via autoresponder with Internet Marketing tips and that also gives more in depth information about all these sites, to encourage them further to check them all out.

            Hope that helps.

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            • Profile picture of the author Mark Kaye
              Originally Posted by Michele Miller View Post

              If I was you, I would add an entire page of RESOURCES FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO START AN ONLINE BUSINESS. I would make them all affiliate links, and list everything from how to build websites, best places for hosting, best books about blogging, (not just one.) Where to get graphics, web sites designed, autoresponders like, etc. The list is endless. Just think about everything you'd want to know if you wanted to start an online business.

              I'd also offer an e-course via autoresponder with Internet Marketing tips and that also gives more in depth information about all these sites, to encourage them further to check them all out.
              Thanks Michelle! These are all excellent suggestions and I really appreciate you taking the time to share them. I will add you to the "Thank You" page in my re-write!

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  • Profile picture of the author JustDean
    I agree with dotslash Mark. Thank for the info and all the best for your television and radio marketing

    cts of Random Kindness
    Pay It Forward
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    Hi Mark,

    I just downloaded it and did a quick glance. Looks really good... love the picture of you with the old mic. Was that a Shure or an EV?

    I wonder, if you put the advertisements at the end of the book would they still get seen (and read)?

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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Hi Mark,

      The thing I like most about your book is that it is a quick, easy read. It flows extremely well. Most likely your radio background gives you excellent training for this type of writing.

      I love the title and the way you have flowed one chapter into the next, making it difficult to put the book down.

      To be honest, the ads at the front didn't really bother me much, unless you cut some out since others have posted their opinions. Still, it might run a bit more smoothly if you had one at the front and the other 2-3 either scattered throughout the book or at the end.

      I agree that the ads should read more like a continuation of the book, rather than blatant ads.

      I made it about 1/3 of the way through the book - but it's dinnertime now. Before I go, there's just one thing.

      On or about page 19, I was beginning to lose interest in what you were saying about cutting back and how the economy works based on everyone's spending. I got the message in the previous pages so it seemed a bit repetitive here. Maybe it can be tightened up a bit.

      It's surprising me now, though, to look back at that section and see that it's only about 5 pages. It seemed like a lot more when I was reading it. I guess I was just anxious to get to the meat. (Well, yes. I could be getting hungry - it's almost 7 p.m. ).

      So I just jumped to the end of the book and it leaves me wondering... are you going to offer help to people wanting to start a business? Maybe I missed it by leap-frogging.

      Overall opinion: It's a great product that people will actually take the time to read once they get started. It offers encouragement to all those recently unemployed individuals who are wondering where to turn.

      BTW, did you see the story on CNN about a guy who rents himself out - "rent a gent"? He'll accompany women to events and do all kinds of things for people at a rate of $25/hr. He's married, is a real gent, and this has nothing to do with being a gigolo.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
    Hey Mark I downloaded your ebook a couple weeks ago and I enjoyed it very much. It's very good. I love hearing success stories like that--especially with whacky ideas like selling tumbleweeds!

    I do agree with the other posters though that you have too many ads in the beginning. Three full page ads one after the other before we get to the actual topic at hand is a bit frustrating. Even though the ebook is free which is very cool, I still gave up my email address for it so others might not like that much.

    Maybe just have one ad in the beginning and the move the rest to the end. I also like TOC that is hyperlinked so I can just click to the chapter I want to go to.

    That's my only feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    OK, a couple of things jump out at me:

    First I LOVE the title - that is one of the BEST titles I've seen in a long time.
    I don't know if you came up with that or 'borrowed' it but it has potential to be used on T-shirts and other promo items.

    I would look to find a pic of each expert you write about and include on their chapter. I find people respond more to photos and will make a better connection to your success stories.

    The issue of how you present the affiliate offers and links is a problem, imo.
    You'd probably have to test this, but I would try to DOWNPLAY the 'Hypeyness' of the link and the integrate it better into the overall copy and each story as its being told.

    Its very jarring right now, and sticks out so much it shouts "ADVERTISEMENT"
    when I'm assuming thats not what you really want to happen. The border around each ad, the changing of colors (you add bright BLUE) and the whole feel doesn't work for me.

    The stone evans link page isn't too bad, but others are too bold and hyped to be congruent with the book itself. (Ewen Chia's as an example)

    The upfront link pages really do cheapen the whole thing. I would try to integrate them further into the book and design them less HYPEY.

    So, I guess you'd have to experiment a bit, and see what you're CTR rates are with these pages, but I still feel its one of the best promo ebooks I've seen in along time.
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  • Profile picture of the author TelZilla
    Hey Mark,

    Great book, I thought it was a great and quick read. I loved the tumbleweed story. It had me laughing, and thinking, how many ridiculous ideas I have let slip through my fingers.

    As for the three ads on the first few pages, I would ditch them, especially since you cover two of them rather well later in the book. How about adding an appendix filled with links to places for people to go and get more info? Of course you could easily fill them with affiliate links. It's up to you, but with little credibility built up at the beginning of the book, I don't necessarily see where your CTR is going to be that good for those 3 ads.

    Other than that, good job. I enjoyed it.
    Don't get so wrapped up in making money that you forget the important things in life.
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