Youtube Promoted Videos

5 replies
Hey, I want to start setting up YouTube Promoted Videos. Has anyone had experience with this? What is the process? The issue I am running into is that I want to get an idea of what I would be paying per view BEFORE I put the money into having videos created. Where do I check this?


#promoted #videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Shawn Darlin
    Youtube Promoted Videos is quite expensive. I started a campaign about 4 months ago. I had to spend about $1800 to get 4000 views.

    Fortunately, I did make my money back, plus a $500 profit. Haven't really gotten around trying it again since its can be fairly risky to be honest.

    You HAVE to be SURE that the video you're going to be promoting works and has a good conversation rate.

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  • Profile picture of the author david15923
    I would recomend you You install the program on your PC (it has no virus, ive tested it), it's free and you only need to put that program and it will run itself. See it as a traffic exchange of videos. Try it out
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    What can I tell you about my experience. It has been very negative and then some. Also, quite expensive. Promoting a video costs a lot of money. The conversions are very poor. Look before you leap as we say.

    I know a stock broker that has a lot of money. He does not mind burning millions on a campaign. Well, he stopped promoting videos about a month ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
    I would recommend getting a couple videos made and testing the organic conversion rates before trying the promoted videos program. That's the only true way to estimate what your numbers will be.

    Use Vagex to increase views, likes, and subscribers. Make sure the videos are keyword optimized, build some backlinks, submit to social bookmarking sites and rss directories, and embed the videos on some video embed sites. That should get your videos raking quickly so you can test your conversions.

    I'm currently offering a video creation service + optimization, PM if you'd be interested. I have a 'Warriors for Hire' post but I'm working on a new offer. Great prices and great reviews.

    Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    You may be better off making some videos and instead of promoting those videos, use the Clickable links over the videos. You can set these up for free:
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