Warning About "Eat My Balls" Affiliate Offer

9 replies
I wish this were a joke, but it's not. There's a identity theft/credit card theft ring that has made it's way into at least one affiliate network. You can see one of the listings here:
Biz Opp - Home Revenue (News LP) (US, CA, UK, AU, NZ) Affiliate Offer Details And Reviews | oDigger

If you follow it through, you'll notice it end up on an unsecured landing page. The landing page is hosted in Romania which they've "lovingly" named "eat my balls" as you can see in the attached image.

I've been tracking hundreds of sites/servers/ips, etc. in the ring which operates out of Beijing China, The Republic Of Lithiana, Ukraine, and Romania and can post more about the connections if you want, but I thought this one was especially worth noting because it's actually now getting distributed through an affiliate network.
#affiliate #eat my balls #offer #warning
  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    Sounds fishy and sketch!

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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickP
    Sounds meaty and sweaty!
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    LOL When you visit the page a quick subliminal message pops up real quick that says


    Man you just can't make this **** up! lol
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mahara Adhe
    Oh wow! Thanks for sharing this information with us. My iTunes account was hacked earlier this year and I've been very cautious of online identity thefts ever since.

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  • Profile picture of the author jcbradley
    Good find! What else have you seen thats been pretty sneaky, that one was good. and im sure everyone has noticed the improvements they have made in their phishing emails. the paypal stuff looks identical now compared to a few years ago.i feel bad for all the people who fall prey to this crap.
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  • Profile picture of the author D. Spidey
    Yes, you really have to be careful out there. Now-a-days, I find myself looking at the URL before logging into any site. I had an aunt who fell prey to an email scam a few years ago and ended up losing everything... including her house. Very sad situation.
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  • Profile picture of the author lfire
    Looks bad it ok
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