Ghost Writer and Plagiarism

12 replies
How can I find a ghost writer who isn't going to send me content that has been plagiarized?

How do you know if someone sent you plagiarized content?
#ghost #plagiarism #writer
  • Profile picture of the author JamieSEO
    Originally Posted by seotechnician View Post

    How can I find a ghost writer who isn't going to send me content that has been plagiarized?

    How do you know if someone sent you plagiarized content?
    You can run sections of it through a duplicated content checker, but that will only pick up what has been published online in a searchable format.

    Really you need to rely on the writers reputation.

    I am a ghostwriter/publisher and would be happy to provide some tips - just flick me a PM

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  • Profile picture of the author The Great Gordino
    Originally Posted by seotechnician View Post

    How can I find a ghost writer who isn't going to send me content that has been plagiarized?

    How do you know if someone sent you plagiarized content?
    I'm wondering if you've had a bad experience of someone sending you plagiarized content?
    The default thinking should be that it won't be - you seem to be thinking that it will.

    Tell any writer that you will be running their work through copyscape, or just take some full sentences and put then into google.
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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    Jamie nailed it -- while tools like Copyscape are good, they only catch plagiarism from online sources (like article directories, blogs, and anything else that's searchable). There's absolutely nothing stopping your writer from grabbing an ebook or even a physical book and ripping sections out of it.

    Oh, wait -- there IS something stopping some writers: Their conscience. Most writers would never dream of ripping off someone else's work.

    How do you find these writers?

    For starters, as mentioned, you need to go on reputation. Find someone who's been doing this a long time (and has a good history).

    Secondly, look for writers with a unique writing style/voice. If their writing is unique -- and you can see this across plenty of samples -- then it's a pretty good bet that they're not ripping off someone else.

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  • Profile picture of the author IMWinner
    I agree R hagel here, Copyspace can only detect online sources and it is impossible for them to detect those articles which are not posted online, like for example, books which were published before the introduction of the internet or the computer. How can we detect that the article is plagiarize or not.
    It is very important to know a writer's reputation if he/she has the tendency to plagiarize or write his own original articles. It is a big no for professional writers to just copy and use the ideas and works of others to their own personal use. Most professional writers, I think, wouldn't do that since they know how it will affect not just the articles that they wrote but the author of that article as well.
    As a suggestion, before hiring a writer, you must test him/her so you could have an idea the style of his/her writing and if he/she just copy and paste some information or has written the article in his/her own original way.
    This all boils down to respect and recognize the works of other people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kierkegaard
    There's more to plagiarism than just duplicating text.
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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by Kierkegaard View Post

      There's more to plagiarism than just duplicating text.

      Which reminds me...

      I always get a kick out of writers who put forth the selling point, "Passes Copyscape."

      Passes? As in they tweak it just enough that Copyscape doesn't pick up on their theft? LOL

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        "Passes copyscape" has become a common term for buyers. When I used to bid through elance I would reply to that request with "passes copyscape 100%""

        To be fair - if you are dealing with absolute facts/dates/events - even a totally original article may not pass copyscape. I had that happen with one long article where the whole thing was based on a certain physical event (mardi gras krewes) and the facts and history was what it was. I couldn't change facts to make it "original".
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  • Profile picture of the author bagpuss0001
    If you are competant in what you do and professional in your approach then copyscape isnt necessary
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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    The folks above are absolutely right... If you're dealing with a true professional, plagiarizing won't be an issue. That's why it's so important to do your homework before you hire a writer. Ask them questions, read through samples of their work, and see if they're someone you trust to do business with.

    I, too, don't understand why writers brag about their work passing Copyscape. To me, it's no different than when hotels brag that their rooms are "clean"... well, duh! It really should go without saying that your rooms are clean - just like you really shouldn't have to advertise that you don't plagiarize.
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    When I hire a writer, there is an indemnification clause in the agreement.

    If they won't sign it. I find someone else.

    It is a controversial part to any ageement...but is widely used and keeps your writer from going down that slippery slope...most of the time.

    It is a protection most publishers want in their agreements with ghost and freelance writers.


    PS. When I ghost, I fight like hell to have the clause taken out... but, have inked many an agreement with them in.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tashi Mortier
      In my opinion, there is no tool that can protect you from plagiarism.

      Use your common sense, build a relationship with your writers. If you pay them well, they'll be much more likely to put a lot of effort into your work.

      I was always a bit offended as a Ghostwriter to have to put my work through Copyscape, but some customers just required me to do so.

      Find someone you can trust, look at other people's reviews, and don't just always go for the cheapest writer. Sooner or later, you'll have your core writer team you can trust and rely on.

      Want to read my personal blog? Tashi Mortier

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