FREE Ebook from Google Inc... must read
Free eBook From Google | Mobile Websites 4U
Here's a snip from one of the first pages;
"Shoppers today want to explore and think about how products can improve their lives. They do reconnaissance to gain the insights they need, and they're driven to bond with others and enrich relationships as they learn. They are motivated by a desire to take charge of their own identities and the well-being of their families and homes.
The process of meeting those shopper needs begins at the Zero Moment of Truth."
The video is a must watch and the ebook is a must must read, especially if you're in the business of providing offline services to business owners. This makes your job so much easier.
Go check it out and leave your comments here on how ou think it can benefit your own and your clients' business.
Free eBook From Google | Mobile Websites 4U
Warmest regards,
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