Autoresponders Or Broadcasts?
I have a few music and health niches with lists that are building up, some slowly, some fast. I follow the rules of adding 5-10 autoresponders, building up the relationship and giving out valuable information before dropping affiliate product offers.
What I don't really is what happens after that. What happens after these first 10 autoresponders run out? Do you leave them out and then they only receive broadcasts?
I'm testing out one of my lists with 30-40 autoresponders filled with valuable information and occasional offers. It's too early to see how it goes.
What is everyone's take on this? I'm tempted to just put just 10 autoresponders in there and after that broadcast to my lists once every week or two. This appears to be better for reporting, does everyone agree?
Any advice appreciated
Alexandru -
Thanks - 1 reply
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JRemington -
Thanks - 1 reply
SignatureWhat you're not selling your products in different languages yet?{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4624060].message }}-
JohnMcCabe -
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Michael Meaney -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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