1: Don't call new marketers newbies - apparently some of them don't like it.
2: Be sure to include disclaimers in every language to everyone and about everything in your footer - just in case someone takes offense.
3: You cannot recommend one service over another as the companies whose services you leave out may take offense and sue you.
4: You cannot use the terms male / female in your marketing and must come up with a suitable non gender specific term to address all races / ages.
5: When referring to any specific region of the world you must use map references so as not to offend people who don't live in the country you are targeting your product at.
6: You must not target any specific age group as you may be sued for ageism.
7: You must provide access to your website for those who can't access the internet at all - just in case they find a way.
8: Don't call anyone a Numpty - in case you offend someone with no sense of humor.
9: You cannot price test your product or service as the person who paid the lower price may object because they were not offered the more expensive option and have been offended at the implication they could not afford it - and vice versa.
10: You must offer all products in every delivery option imaginable, digital download, CD, DVD, VHS, Betamax, Mini DVD, etc etc etc........ in case someone can't use it...
The bottom line is - in the age we live in - we tread a fine line between saying it as it is and should be - and saying it the way the Police of Political Correctness would like us all to conform to.
As the Sgt used to say after the briefing in Hill St Blues - "Be careful out there"
Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." -Plato