Noobs, get cash into your paypal...TOMORROW
You're going to start a Media Distribution company. You're going to take an existing Youtube video and distribute it to multiply sites for a good daily income. You'd be surprised, but most small business people have no clue about how to do this.
Here's step by step what to do guide.
1. Head over to Pixelpipe.com and signup. Pixelpipe is a great service that allows you to syndicate text, audio, video and image files to about 60 social networks, blogs, and sites. Pixelpipe will also let you Tweet a link to a picture, video, PDF file, or audio file. Push button simple...and it's free.
The unfortunate thing is that it's a bit of a pain having to individually sign up for each of those 60-70 social networks. However, once you're done...you're done. You can now freely distribute videos instantaneously to multiple sharing sites.
2. Head over to Youtube and search for small businesses that are obviously trying to get exposure. I found a guy selling a series of harmonica lessons. Input into the search term box search strings ending with the words "lesson plans." You'll get tons of prospects.
Only choose prospects whose videos have at least 2000 views. You'll be wasting your time with others. Stay away from those big boys that have over 100,000 views.
Here are some search terms to get you going:
How to grow roses
Chinese cook book
Picture framing
Bronze baby shoes
Build your own sheds
3. Contact each prospect. It's easy to do this.
Start by clicking the username next to one of the user's videos. This will take you to the user's Channel page. Once you're on the user's Channel page, click the 'Send Message' link underneath their thumbnail.You can then write a message just like an email. When you're done, click the 'Send Message' button.
The user will be able to view your message in their YouTube Inbox. They'll also receive an email letting them know they've got a new message to read.
4. Write a short punchy email saying that you think their video is cool, and that it deserves more exposure. Remind them: more exposure means more profits.
5. Let them know you're willing to immediately distribute their videos for FREE to 10 video sharing sites. You'd be surprised at how many people will take you up on this offer. They have no idea that it'll take you all of 2 minutes to access your pixelpipe account and press send.
6. Once they agree you'll use my favourite video hunter (netvideohunter.com). This baby will quickly and easily scoop up any video you throw at it. Download, and then upload the video to your pixelpipe account.
7. Now it's simply a matter of posting to the video sites.
8. How do you make money? Since it takes you all of just a few minutes to upload his video to 10 sites, you'll go back to him saying it's all done, and show him a list of where to find his video.
9. Tell him that you're able to upload to a next top 40 sites on the net for a mesely $12. payable into your paypal account. . He'll readily agree because you've just proved to him you're no flake.
10. Lather, rinse, repeat to as many youtube channel holders as you want. If you do this at least three hours daily, there's no reason why you wouldn't be successful.
If you don't make a minimum of a hundred bucks a day, I'll eat my hat

Go get 'em!
Brent Whinfield.
The Video Trafficker
P.S - If you find this useful, don't forget to hit the "Thanks" button.
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