Removing A Page From Google

by Toniy
15 replies
Hello there Friends

Now... I've got a website all set up and wonderful and all that and on a whim I decided to Google it.

Happy days, I'm at Spot #1

Of course nobody is doing a SEARCH for it, but that's ok, my decision :p

Anyway, in the search results is a page I don't actually want people accessing just yet...

How might I go about removing it from the Google Index?

Easiest solution (that doesn't include 'delete the page') wins.

Seriously though, help would be appreciated
#google #page #removing
  • Profile picture of the author ColinChia
    Is it on the wordpress platform?
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    you can do that from google webmasters tool but it depends is it on wordpress

    Blogger at (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior Ben
    Use this code in your header tag of your site:


    If you are using wordpress, put it in your header.php file.

    Then once you have done that, go to and ping your site. The index robots should then go to your site and see that it shouldn't be indexed and will take it down.

    I hope this helps!

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    • Profile picture of the author GaryG4
      Originally Posted by Warrior Ben View Post

      Use this code in your header tag of your site:


      If you are using wordpress, put it in your header.php file.

      Then once you have done that, go to and ping your site. The index robots should then go to your site and see that it shouldn't be indexed and will take it down.

      Everything what this guy says is the best answer I see on this page. Except it doesn't just automatically get reindexed and changed with one single ping. Google usually takes 2 days for this change to completely go into effect.

      After changing the code or adding it in the head you ping it 2 days in a row. This will ensure that google picks it up.

      Good luck
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      • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
        Originally Posted by GaryG4 View Post

        Everything what this guy says is the best answer I see on this page. Except it doesn't just automatically get reindexed and changed with one single ping. Google usually takes 2 days for this change to completely go into effect.

        After changing the code or adding it in the head you ping it 2 days in a row. This will ensure that google picks it up.

        Good luck
        Then you didn't read the page very well. OP stated it's not wordpress. It's html so there is no header.php page. Understanding what a robots.txt file is and how to use it is a far better (and even easier) solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Toniy
    Hey there Gents... Colin, Fazal, Ben

    It's not on wordpress... just a standard HTML (that's as far as I go... I'm no programmer :p)

    Will that code still work?

    Damn... how do I find the header?
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvo
    Just a few days ago I have deleted some of pages of a domain from Google.The process is really easy through Google webmaster.So search for it in Google and I hope you will find the solution.
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    • Profile picture of the author DaveWildash
      You find the header by going to your source code. In your browser click View, then view source or page source or some similar term in the drop down menu (it depends on which browser you are using).

      The header is that part of the code between a line that is:


      and another line that is:


      It should be near the top of the page of code. If you cannot see it use Edit -> Find and enter <head> to locate it.

      Between these two lines of code there should be the line of code that Warrior Ben mentioned, though it may say:

      <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />

      This is the line of code you change from "index, follow" to "noindex, nofollow"

      Don't take advice in forums at face value. Ask questions, do your research, and remember: Testing is your business's best friend. Paul Myers

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  • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
    Open notepad and put this inside:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /yourpage.html

    Save the notepad document as robots.txt and upload it to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author zbrshakeel
    You can use the google webmaster tools to remove it

    Zubair Muhammad

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  • Profile picture of the author robobobo
    If you're using wordpress then it's as simple as going into the settings - privacy and then you can block it from there
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  • Profile picture of the author warrich
    If you use Google webmaster tools then you must know that you can put in a page removal request that can exclude any result from the Google's SE Results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Toniy
    Hey all, really appreciate the help!

    Now I know what to do and I've got one more trick up my sleeve with this whole... computer thing

    Thanks all!
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  • Profile picture of the author dofollow
    If you want to remove a page from the SERPS then you can do it from the Google Webmaster Control. After you login to your account you can just put forward a request to the guys at Google and then soon you would see the page not appearing in the SERPs of Google. It might take a time for your request to be acknowledged but you can take a breather after that.
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