Can Amazon Affiliates use Product Reviews

12 replies
Hi Warriors,
can amazon affiliates use the product reviews from main amazon site to post into own site or blog post, including any amazon product image?
I was thinking of creating a site with posts followed by specific amazon product and posting maybe one or two reviews from the main site, including a picture.
I've been looking at the affiliate site but can't find anything on this.
Feedback appeciated thanks!
#affiliate #affiliates #amazon #product #reviews #site
  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    I can only answer part of your question.

    I had a long discussion with Warriors in a thread regarding using Amazon Images. Everyone reached to the conclusion that they can't be used. The only way is to either walk into the shop and get product images yourself or buy the product and take images.

    Third option is a difficult one. You can contact the manufacturers, explain them everything and get permission to use the images from their official website.

    However, you can always use the widgets Amazon provides. They also contain image of the product (although a very small one).
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    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by Marketing Cheetah View Post

      I can only answer part of your question.

      I had a long discussion with Warriors in a thread regarding using Amazon Images. Everyone reached to the conclusion that they can't be used. The only way is to either walk into the shop and get product images yourself or buy the product and take images.

      Third option is a difficult one. You can contact the manufacturers, explain them everything and get permission to use the images from their official website.

      However, you can always use the widgets Amazon provides. They also contain image of the product (although a very small one).
      If that is the case, then why does almost every Amazon review site on the internet have product images?

      The agreement states;

      In order to facilitate your advertisement of Products, we may make available to you data, images, text, link formats, widgets, links, and other linking tools, and other information in connection with the Program ("Content"). Content specifically excludes any data, images, text, or other information or content relating to products offered on any site other than the Amazon Site.

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      • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
        Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

        If that is the case, then why does almost every Amazon review site on the internet have product images?
        Ask the site owners. If everyone is doing something wrong doesn't mean it is correct.

        Here is Amazon reply

        I am sorry for any misunderstanding, but the product images and reviews written by third parties that appear on the Web site are the copyrighted property of the third parties who create them or contribute them to We display them on our site by permission from the third parties.

        If you wish to use product images on your Web site, you may obtain them by creating Product Links on Associates Central or through Product Advertising API. Customer product reviews are also available through Product Advertising API. Your use of product images and reviews obtained through Product Advertising API is limited by the terms of the Product Advertising API License Agreement, which is available here:
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    • Profile picture of the author sturmbro629
      Originally Posted by Marketing Cheetah View Post

      I can only answer part of your question.

      I had a long discussion with Warriors in a thread regarding using Amazon Images. Everyone reached to the conclusion that they can't be used. The only way is to either walk into the shop and get product images yourself or buy the product and take images.

      Third option is a difficult one. You can contact the manufacturers, explain them everything and get permission to use the images from their official website.

      However, you can always use the widgets Amazon provides. They also contain image of the product (although a very small one).
      They provide ypu with the exact coding for pictures of their products for you to use on your web site. Whet the hell was this long discussion you had?
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      • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
        Originally Posted by sturmbro629 View Post

        They provide ypu with the exact coding for pictures of their products for you to use on your web site. Whet the hell was this long discussion you had?
        Oops. Fire in the air. Read my comment again
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  • Profile picture of the author londoncoffee
    Thanks Cooler1, that's good news. But i am still unsure about being able to use customer reviews as they are not part of the amazon product being sold. I just thought an affiliate site would look more professional with buyer feedback and as i'm selling for amazon, that would be okay. But thanks for that bit of research - cool!
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    • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
      I never use Amazon customer reviews on my site simply because i use that t entice my visitors to click through such as

      There are over 65 Positive REAL Customer reviews for the "product name" on Amazon. These Amazon customer reviews reveal some interesting details about the "product name" We encourage you to read them prior to making your final purchasing decision Product Name keyword Reviews

      I know there are some products that pull the customer reviews but I beleive you are not allowed to directly copy from the amazon site and past onto your site.

      I am not 100% sure but I believe that is accurate, however I always encourage affiliates to contact Amazon support directly just to get it from the horses mouth so to speak.
      They are only an email away and they get back to you real quick so always confirm via there support than risk your account being terminated for possible TOS violation.

      Kickin it on Amazon

      Gaz Cooper
      Amz Training Academy

      Beginners Guide to getting started in CRYPTO, FREE Ebook on a Massive Opportunity as the World shifts to Digital payment

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      • Profile picture of the author arkhamindustries
        [QUOTE=GazCooperOnline;4660408]I never use Amazon customer reviews on my site simply because i use that t entice my visitors to click through such as

        There are over 65 Positive REAL Customer reviews for the "product name" on Amazon. These Amazon customer reviews reveal some interesting details about the "product name" We encourage you to read them prior to making your final purchasing decision Product Name keyword Reviews

        That is a very good idea. I like the way you have that worded. I may have to start doing something similar on my amazon sites
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    To my knowledge as long as you give full source rights i.e where you got the review from.

    Daz Kennedy from for instance.

    You are allowed to post an extract on your review site and then put "Click here to read more" - works VERY well for clickthroughs as well.

    Don't post the entire review though.

    Chris Jones
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  • Profile picture of the author MMMConsulting
    I am sure it would be fine to use customer reviews from the amazon website, as long as proper credit is given to the original source, for e.g. Reference from, source http://....followed by the link to the page, I believe this way helps to protect you, as all credit is given to Amazon anyway, and your just using an extract for your website, as well as promoting their products, I see it as win win!

    End of the day, everyone has a different approach to how they market, and how they use content, i you play it safe and careful, you will always do well in affiliate marketing.

    I see using their content as support from them to help their affiliates sell more of their items!

    Hope this helped!
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    • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
      Originally Posted by MMMConsulting View Post

      I am sure it would be fine to use customer reviews from the amazon website, as long as proper credit is given to the original source, for e.g. Reference from, source http://....followed by the link to the page, I believe this way helps to protect you, as all credit is given to Amazon anyway, and your just using an extract for your website, as well as promoting their products, I see it as win win!

      End of the day, everyone has a different approach to how they market, and how they use content, i you play it safe and careful, you will always do well in affiliate marketing.

      I see using their content as support from them to help their affiliates sell more of their items!

      Hope this helped!
      I advise to pay attention to what the direct response from Amazon was which indicated that you may use the reviews by conforming to the API agreement but does not say you can directly copy the reviews from their website.

      The smart move would be to read the link in Cheetahs post to ensure you are not breaking TOS.

      Kickin it on Amazon

      Gaz Cooper

      Beginners Guide to getting started in CRYPTO, FREE Ebook on a Massive Opportunity as the World shifts to Digital payment

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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    I wouldn't use their reviews, write your own then just link to theirs saying:

    "To find out what others are saying about AFF LINK TO REVIEW PAGE HERE, click here now."
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