3 replies
Hi there,
have any site flippers designed and built sites for a specific service or product to sell to potential biz owners direct, in that field?
I have pretty much given up on the idea of using flippa.com as the prices are far too low. I would want at least £250 for my efforts - i know of two biz owners here in London who both paid £400 and £600 for dreadful sites, badly coded, optimised etc. They would have been better off with Artisteer, and i'm no great fan of that either, but it would have been 100% better.
I see so many small business sites that suck, and was thinking about just emailing potential buyers and explaining the benefits of purchasing a brand new seo friendly site and giving them a friendly sales pitch.
Anyone doing similar?
#direct #flipping
  • Profile picture of the author Starfusion
    I do something on similar lines but i build profitable niche websites that i sell to buyers directly.

    Rather then looking for an auction sale, i have ready made buyers (over 150) on a list that constantly are looking for revenue generating websites/businesses.

    By going direct, you cut out the middleman (flippa) and save many fee's as the prices are just too much for small business buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author BabyMama
    I also build profitable adsense mini niche sites for people. I provide a service by giving them a complete site in a package that is ready to go.

    I sell these on Flippa too but now have also launched as a service on here. Its doing very well and the warriors who have purchased seem to be impressed with the results.

    You could list your services in the web sites for sale section here or approach businesses offline with your services.

    I think going offline might be the best solution for you if you are looking to make high quality sites that take longer to build and require more work.

    Just my 2c
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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO

    I LOVE the idea of selling sites direct to business owners. (I think you meant well-designed sites though, eh? Not the usual AdSense/Amazon type sites?)

    Still, though...someone who actually sells (for example) red winter jackets would benefit from the traffic from redwinterjackets.org MUCH more than you would get from AdSense, most likely. Because it's worth so much more to them, you can command a higher price.

    The only problem is that you have to find the buyers...sites like Flippa provide that for you. What you COULD do, though, is build some mini-sites around a particular theme (let's say garage doors, for example) and then try to sell that network of sites to a garage door company direct. It would be much more valuable to them than it would be to someone just looking for the passive income from AdSense, for sure.
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