Amazon Experts: What Works Better? "Buy Now" or "Read More Reviews"?

3 replies
A question for all the Amazon experts out here (and I know there are plenty on WF )

What works better for you in terms of driving clicks (and later, sales) to Amazon? A link that says "Buy Now" or one that reads "Read More Review..."?

I've had conflicting advice on this front. Some have said that 'read more' drives more clicks since there is no pressure to actually buy anything. Some say otherwise.

I don't have enough traffic to actually test this out sufficiently, so I ask you guys here: what works better for you?
#amazon #buy now #experts #read more reviews #works
  • Profile picture of the author Velant
    Imagine you approach an unfamiliar girl on the street, come up to her and ask:
    1. Will you marry me?
    2. I am sorry, but you are so beatiful, I couldn't pass you by! Can you possibly tell me more about you?

    Which one do you think will work better? )))
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  • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
    I think you may get mixed answers here, personally the best for me is directing them to read additional information or reviews although I do use buy now but the leading sentences getting them to naturally click through are the best for me.

    Should be interesting what others say

    Kickin it on Amazon

    Gaz Cooper
    Amz Training Academy

    Beginners Guide to getting started in CRYPTO, FREE Ebook on a Massive Opportunity as the World shifts to Digital payment

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  • Profile picture of the author afxx
    Try a "Check Availability" button - I've had real good success using that on hot products.
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