He Paid for The Website - Now I Can't Get in Touch with him

13 replies

I sold a website a while ago and have not heard from him in months, we did not transfer the domain and not it is expiring, what should I do?

Shall I renew it or let it expire?

It was a very cheap startup website I can add.

Any suggestions?
#paid #touch #website
  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    Same situation happened to me last year. I emailed the guy so many times but never got any reply. Had no other solution. I also sold the website for cheap. In the end I decided not to renew the domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicelife
    Very strange.

    I guess I'll just let it expire then.
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    • Profile picture of the author ankushkohli
      Originally Posted by nicelife View Post

      Very strange.

      I guess I'll just let it expire then.
      Yes! that will be the only solution i believe. And in the mean time, if you somehow able get in contact with guy that will sort out everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Cheetah
    Flippa is full of people like that. I think these are the people who want to kick start in internet marketing. They come online on the very first day, buy the website and then loose interest. Just my thinking. Not sure the reason.
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    • Profile picture of the author tamarabounce
      Don't renew it! Why you should be worried about it's renewal. It's good that you thought but being human with those undeserving is wrong so just leave it. If he will need then will contact you himself!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan O'Neil
    One thing I would do if I were you is try giving him a ring, though.

    Not because you have to but simply because it would be nice of you, the buyer would certainly appreciate it (if they're still interested in the site) and it won't take you longer than 3 minutes.

    Apart from this - you've done your best to try and get hold of the buyer so feel free to let the domain expire
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan O'Neil
    One thing I would do if I were you is try giving him a ring, though.

    Not because you have to but simply because it would be nice of you, the buyer would certainly appreciate it (if they're still interested in the site) and it won't take you longer than 3 minutes.

    Apart from this - you've done your best to try and get hold of the buyer so feel free to let the domain expire
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  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    I would definitely give them a follow up call and then feel free to move on. I have had a few clients like this. You contact them for months about their site and they do not take action. Generally I require my clients to buy their own domain for this very reason. That way if it expires I had nothing to do with it, but will do everything possible to help them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Filsaime
    Originally Posted by nicelife View Post


    I sold a website a while ago and have not heard from him in months, we did not transfer the domain and not it is expiring, what should I do?

    Shall I renew it or let it expire?

    It was a very cheap startup website I can add.

    Any suggestions?
    Hey! I'd like to have my money back!

    Just kidding! My suggestion is to not do anything. Sleep it off man.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      I'd renew assuming it costs little and pass the extra expense onto the client.

      If he doesn't get in touch, I'd just take the bullet.

      Follow up for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    Yep that's true and happens. I had a good startup business 3 months old that I sold in flippa for $300.

    I gave everything and set the site to the buyer.

    Now this year I see the website has expired. What the hell!! Also the buyer did nothing to the website after purchasing.

    Yep there are people out there like this. They buy lots of good domains and websites but don't do anything. Since you sold the website and got money, the deal is done. If the client is not taking action then it's his fault. But try giving em a call as mentioned above to see what happened!
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    • Profile picture of the author Limekwat
      I would let the domain expire. As others have pointed out, why should you have to pay just because this guy failed to follow up on his own business decision. If he never contacts you again you shouldn't be saddled with the extra domain renewal fee. If he contacts you again great, if not, it's his own fault.
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  • Profile picture of the author TryBPO
    I think it's worth calling the buyer. Who knows, maybe some kind of personal emergency came up and he completely forgot about it. In any event, if you do contact him he'll probably be happy you did and you'll get some good karma out of it!
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