Why did Google ban my website?

by tomaz
17 replies
About a week ago, Google banned my website on www.hairmagazine.info

Site had about 1.500 unique visitors a day and a lot of strictly unique content.
I had 4 Google Adsense blocks on site (2x image ad, 1x text ad, 1x link unit ad)

Site contains only a few links.
Anyone has an idea why would Google ban a site like this?
Is there any chance of getting this website back to Google's index?

Thank you for help!

#ban #google #website
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    It doesn't appear to infringe any form of TOS.

    I think the best bet is to just drop an email and hope you get a reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tmill
    Very strange. Is your website new? It may just be jumping around right now. You should check out google site tools to see if there are any issues with your website. From there you will see if google has a problem with you or now
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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Maybe Google received DMCA notices for pictures on the site?

      There was a problem with one post as reflected by copyscape.com, but certainly not enough for a ban.

      Only Google can give you a real answer. My guess is celebrity pictures and copyright issues.

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    Google took manual action on one of my sites, but I contested it and they apologized + reinstated it. Just send in a reconsideration request and let them know that your site provides value.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Those celeb pictures will eventually bring a world of hurt from Getty or other major photo publishers once they catch wind. Be careful.

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  • Profile picture of the author jbearnolimits
    I thought you could only have 3 ad blocks from adsense?
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    • Profile picture of the author MattVit
      Originally Posted by jbearnolimits View Post

      I thought you could only have 3 ad blocks from adsense?
      I was going to post this as well. Though I'm not sure if it's a recommendation or rule.

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  • Profile picture of the author CaliChristian
    You have got a bunch of links from blogspot (owned by google) blogs that got banned.
    Christian Credit Counselors is a non-profit organization that has been credit counseling for 20 years and our credit counselors have helped over 200,000 individuals and families get out of debt in less than 4 years.
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  • Profile picture of the author commoditytrainer
    I went to the site and you might have some words in the site where google has banned it. For example, make sure to check your text, like the word s (e) x and they can ban it when it has those types of words even when the words are within words. So, you may to check that.
    If you want insurance quotes then check out one of the best ways to compare at http://www.autoinsuresavings.org and your insurance costs could be reduced to more than you think?
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  • Profile picture of the author user name 666
    Originally Posted by tomaz View Post

    About a week ago, Google banned my website on www.hairmagazine.info

    Site had about 1.500 unique visitors a day and a lot of strictly unique content.
    I had 4 Google Adsense blocks on site (2x image ad, 1x text ad, 1x link unit ad)

    Site contains only a few links.
    Anyone has an idea why would Google ban a site like this?
    Is there any chance of getting this website back to Google's index?

    Thank you for help!

    You can only have 3 google ad blocks on your site.

    did you rip off any of those photos?

    if you only got 1.5 unique visitors per day, why not just start over. it sounds like you didn't lose much.

    be careful what kinds of links are on your site - links to sites known to distribute malware are a contributing factor.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by user name 666 View Post

      You can only have 3 google ad blocks on your site.
      Last time I looked, you were allowed 3 ad blocks + 1 link unit, which is what the OP claimed.

      Originally Posted by user name 666 View Post

      did you rip off any of those photos?
      This is my guess. The celeb photos likely weren't licensed, thus violating both the copyright of the original publisher and the celeb's right to promote their own likeness.

      Originally Posted by user name 666 View Post

      if you only got 1.5 unique visitors per day, why not just start over. it sounds like you didn't lose much.
      Some countries reverse the comma and the decimal point when writing numbers. In this case, Americans would have written '1.500' as '1,500'.

      Originally Posted by user name 666 View Post

      be careful what kinds of links are on your site - links to sites known to distribute malware are a contributing factor.
      If CaliChristian is correct, attempting to build SEO backlinks from a Google owned property, and getting caught at it, might just be an influence.

      It can't hurt to submit the reinstatement request, but don't hold your breath...
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I can only guess that copyrighted photos or something else you have done with linking to the site might be the problem, but it has been delisted. Those photos could get you into a world of trouble anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenelson
    Well I guess the celebrty images you have used on the website must be copy righted which has caused the issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Edwards
    Contact Google and ask them why you were banned. That should assist greatly.
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  • Profile picture of the author koreancowboy
    Take down all of your celeb photos...immediately! Also, go back and throw some commas in your articles...it feels like I'm reading a bunch of run-on sentences...

    I provide consulting for companies that use Adobe AEM...you can check out what I've done so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author abubakar89
    email google and pray for a reply. Only then you'll be able to see actual reason. otherwise you might repeat same mistake with other site
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  • Profile picture of the author maywebdesigns
    Your site is banned because of the pics, I don't seeing any other reason why. Remove them and contact Google regarding this issue and hopefully they will lift their ban on you.

    May Web Designs
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