Are you interested in being interviewed about your online business/products?
I meet a lot of IMers on my travels and quite often when I want to recommend someone or their product, the person I'm telling doesn't know them so they just have to trust my recommendation.
This got me thinking that if they saw a video of me interviewing that person, or just that person answering the questions I'd put to them about their business - they could see them and get a feel for whether they were interested or not.
I'm not really interested in trying to make these sales calls, just informative about the person and what they're all about with their insights into why they created their product and who it's designed to help.
Is this something YOU would be interested in?
I've added a poll so you can say whether you would be interested in being interviewed, seeing others interviewed, or not interested.
I'd appreciate your thoughts.
nothing to see here.
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