Before You Put Your Foot In It, Do Your Homework!

3 replies

This week has been a real rollercoaster on the WF. I've learnt more than I have at any other time since I joined over 2 years ago.

Today, I've learnt the most important thing ever about forums.

Take nothing as gospel.

Do your own research.

I was one of several people who laid into a longstanding member of the forum because we perceived his behaviour as unbecoming.

Unfortunately, we didn't see the whole picture and we got it horribly wrong.

Because he was a lone voice against a concerted effort by a group he was drowned out.

Finally, one Warrior took the time to research the whole matter and this person was vindicated.

I feel much humbled by this experience and have publicly apologized to this person.

#foot #homework #put
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    Well, i was saying.....uh......maybe i should refrain from commenting on that.......

    my dad taught me a Real man is someone who owns up to his mistakes.

    he also told me when i grow up they will be few and far between...

    so it's good to meet one every now and then

    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    One of the trickiest things there is, knowing the difference between
    what you know, and what is just an assumption. A lot of assumptions
    are based on what other people are saying, but accepting that
    without a thorough understanding is an assumption.

    The Herman cartoon once had the Tree of Knowledge growing right
    next to the Tree of Commonly Accepted Misconceptions. That was a
    good one and I get reminded about it again and again. I certainly get
    them mixed up often enough, but now put a little more effort into
    trying to keep the distinction between them clear.

    Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

    The KimW WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author jayden.fellze
    I hundred percent agree with you on this. A person must be prepared completely before venturing in any business. And sound preparation is even more essential in internet business as this is a complicated and comparatively new field of business. There is no scope for mistakes in this business. A person should know the exact steps that he has to take before he starts to walk on the path. Otherwise, he may face many problems.
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