Best Payment methos for Sellers?

13 replies
Hi there,
i am not happy with receiving payment via paypal for anything from £100 - £1000 as paypal seems more worried about protecting buyers.
What payment method do you ask for?
Is anybody here still asking for Cheques - yes they still exist?
What aboy escrow or any other failsafe way that protects Honest Sellers.
Thanks :confused:
#methos #payment #sellers
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt Chrisler
    I use PowerPay to collect credit card payments and have been very pleased with them and their customer support.
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  • Profile picture of the author rsmllc
    I'm currently using Plimus to process payments. Its simple but effective features helps me to manage my sales. Also, it allows buyers to pay via PayPal, credit card, bank transfer, etc..
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  • Profile picture of the author dividesby01
    Iam using uploadnsell for selling my digital products.
    It actually offers any payment though paypal gateway.
    For other modes, i use plimpus. Thinking to find somthing more simple than these.
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  • Profile picture of the author XYZcontent
    I personally use alert pay, liberty reserve and paypal
    But i'm not getting any huge payments yet so i'd have to see when that comes :/
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  • Profile picture of the author Suthan M

    Paypal is the way to go, unfortunately... After all, the buying decision is not in out hand, the consumers flock to Paypal, and if we dont have Paypal, we lose a lot of sales.

    But, for local transactions, i have used my normal personal and merchant bank account succesfully.

    Whats the latest movie you watched? Anything good?

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  • Profile picture of the author IM Gigi
    There are actually quite a few merchant service options and it kind of depends on what you are selling and how flexible you want the merchant to be. Some IM guys use integrated merchant services with aMember and Infusionsoft platforms, etc. These can be large and a little tricky to learn, but once you have it all set up they can be a good option. Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author murrad
    I think you can try with Neteller. I used them and they were good for me when I was at Denmark. Just go through them whenever possible.

    Are you looking for Work from Home Jobs?

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  • Profile picture of the author FredJones
    While I'm not fond of Paypal but I keep using it still. There are a LOT of options. Plimus. 2CheckOut. Moneybrookers. Credit card accepting merchants. Clickbank (yes yes, they have high fees but you CAN use them as payment processors). E-junkie. Payoneer. Alertpay. Google Checkout. I think also supports payment acceptance but not sure whether it supports that for everything. There are many more really - you need to choose. Paypal is the most widely accepted one (sadly) but definitely not the only one.
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  • Profile picture of the author savvybizbuilder
    Paypal is still the best way for online payment.
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  • Profile picture of the author renukoot
    Alertpay, 2CO, Plimus,Moneybookers,

    Can also try to get money in Neteller, Entropay, Ecocard
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Paypal and merchant account.
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  • Profile picture of the author Suze Thomas
    AlertPay is one option, and from what I am hearing Amazon is another good payment method.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
    I am looking at using I-payment they seem good - any body have any horror stories with them?
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