Change is Coming to Facebook

22 replies
Will be able to alert your friends when you want a particular
product on FB, via the WANT button, possibly as soon as
this week.

Someone hurry: Create a WSO about this. lol
#change #coming #facebook
  • Profile picture of the author Waxdk
    thanks for information
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesJeffery
    Oh great. Lets add more rubbish to Facebook. It's the reason why my account got deactivated. They are trying to become the Internet. Their functionality is just buttons and features all over the place that have no real use for the general user apart from liking "I hate waking up thirsty at 4am".

    Great for businesses, but the Facebook crowd are just not interested these days.
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    • Profile picture of the author stunning boy
      Originally Posted by JamesJeffery View Post

      Oh great. Lets add more rubbish to Facebook. It's the reason why my account got deactivated. They are trying to become the Internet. Their functionality is just buttons and features all over the place that have no real use for the general user apart from liking "I hate waking up thirsty at 4am".

      Great for businesses, but the Facebook crowd are just not interested these days.

      i agree with you i don't know why mark zuckerberg is so scared of google plus :/ the changes in the privacy setting is really irritating indeed
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  • Profile picture of the author Sophix
    Great bit of info, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobBritt
    Facebook is the pot of water and the users are frogs. By the time it boils we are happily cooked. Seriously sometimes I think they are killing their users by the inch. (I am one of the frogs) They piss you off with their apps and gadgets and changes, but not quite enough for you to delete your account. At least that how it is for me. grrr. Oh, thanks for the info Max. wasn't shooting the messenger there.. : )

    For High Quality Affordable Articles Click Here --> Rob Writes

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  • Profile picture of the author dechardia
    Thank You For that info. didn't know that.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaxReferrals
    Why the change? Because it's the web, and that's what the web and FB does.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesJeffery
      Originally Posted by MaxReferrals View Post

      Why the change? Because it's the web, and that's what the web and FB does.
      Change usually happens for a reason for the benefit of the user, not to say "Look at me, I'm Facebook, I have more features than Google+ including the ones they innovated".

      If you want, I can get a list of changes on the Internet that resulted in the failure of the entity.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by JamesJeffery View Post

        Change usually happens for a reason for the benefit of the user, not to say "Look at me, I'm Facebook, I have more features than Google+ including the ones they innovated".

        If you want, I can get a list of changes on the Internet that resulted in the failure of the entity.
        Fair play since Google+ was a direct ripoff of Facebook.

        When Google+ opened, I took screenshots of both my FB and GooglePlus accts and if you take the logo away, they were nearly identical. Made me wonder if Google just purchased a FB Clone script to launch it.
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      • Profile picture of the author CPAmum
        James, THAT would be interesting! Kind of like a crystal ball in rewind. If this info is easy for you to dig up, please do post it!

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  • Profile picture of the author qcloud
    didn't see the fb official blog rambling about this
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  • Profile picture of the author Giftys
    It is unbelievable that rate at which Facebook is growing. I'm afraid if marketers don't adapt, they're going to get left behind.


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  • Profile picture of the author nickdamodda
    You should really consider watching the video on if you have an hour and a half. It's recorded from the conference itself. It goes over all of the public upcoming updates. Marketing will be at a whole new level. Trust me!
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeleonard
    great info but i will use first
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  • Profile picture of the author altavista
    the change is here already...and is quite annoying!!

    Love can do wonders - Tej Kohli
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Has everyone watched THIS yet?

    F8 Developers Conference 2011

    Like them or love them, they aren't going away anytime soon.

    They have a complex vision to make the web as open as possible. With over 800,000,000 users worldwide, they are clearly doing something right....and, as much as people protest changes, Facebook knows quite well that the same people that protest, will continue using the service and embrace change. Many who delete their account come back....for whatever reason, they do come back.

    How about, instead of hating on them, we actually learn from them?

    Identify what they are doing RIGHT, learn from it, and integrate it into your own marketing.

    They have integrated so many subtle marketing tactics into their's the reason why they make tens of millions of dollars a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author BabyMama
    Great news for all the warriors who conduct business on FB. Its a great resource for finding targeted prospects and getting traffic. Best of all its free!
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  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    It's quite clever really. If you want to market on Facebook, now you have access to products that are trending. All in one research. IDK, I can't keep up with all the changes. People gripe and moan about them, but keep going back there.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimpaxx2011
    facebook is almost overtaking google. but lets see how it will be. Its just that on facebook people are not really on a buying mode.
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    • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
      Originally Posted by jimpaxx2011 View Post

      facebook is almost overtaking google. but lets see how it will be. Its just that on facebook people are not really on a buying mode.
      They don't have to be.

      Facebook is tailoring quite well to what people want.

      Facebook KNOWS people will continually have a want and desire to advertise, so they monetize that through their internal ads system.'s not necessarily true that they aren't in a "buying mode". They initially start out wanting only to socialize, but Facebook is leveraging social proof really quite well to drive people towards using and buying more. Somebody may not visit in a "buying mode", however, when they see things like "5 of your friends are listening to ______"....if nothing else, you'll use more apps, and eventually buy.

      Again, learn from them. People may hate them, but it would be very unwise not to learn from them, especially given their success.
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