affiliate sales and traffic levels

4 replies
I run a fitness blog that is now getting between 750-850 visitors a day. I use my blog to promote various clickbank products. But I have only been getting on average 1 sale per 7-10 days.

Is there a certain traffic level where 1 sale per day is practically guranteed? I mean, at what point in traffic are sales practically a sure thing?

#affiliate #levels #sales #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author payment proof
    Sometimes quality is more important than quantity. Where is your traffic coming from?

    If it's lower quality traffic, try thinking of ways to improve it, such as posting/advertising in different places, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author JRCarson
      Maybe they will be more interested in physical products? I would definitely try that! It seems like with that kind of traffic you could make some good money.

      But, yes, the quality of the traffic would make a difference. Is it coming from a few search terms on Google? Or...
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    Well for one thing, you should promote through some different networks.. If you still want to use clickbank AND the other ones, cool.. Go for it.. But you should also be looking at the instant payment affiliate programs.

    RAP Bank*Instant Commissions Vault

    I have an affiliate link but I'm not gonna go find it. LOL I have plenty of downlines as it is. But definitely check them out if you are serious about expanding your affiliate marketing.

    It will really open your eyes to affiliate marketing. Seriously. CPA is great and all, but in my honest opinion this is a bit more profitable. You don't have to worry about PPC and all that stuff (you could if you want, but really dont need to) - plus you are paid your commission instantly to your PayPal for every other sale. No waiting for them to send you your earnings each week/month/whatever. It's as if they bought it directly from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenjacobs
    I would check out CPA, lots of money to be made for exercise sites
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