Forum posting - how to not get banned!

by yves
11 replies
Hi there, I'm relatively new to IM and I'd heard from a few different sources that forum posting (on a particular niche forum) is good for getting backlinks to your relevent site/affiliate site. Well I tried this and got banned from the forum . They weren't clear as to why but when I checked the t's & c's right enough it stated that the forum was not to be used for financial/commercial gain or getting customers etc. I've since looked at other forums which were exactly the same. So can someone please clarify, exactly how is forum posting good for getting backlinks if you can't put in a link to your "money" site??

Thanks in advance.
#backlinks #banned #forum #forum posts #posting
  • Profile picture of the author ofir
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  • Profile picture of the author jhiggins
    Originally Posted by yves View Post

    Hi there, I'm relatively new to IM and I'd heard from a few different sources that forum posting (on a particular niche forum) is good for getting backlinks to your relevent site/affiliate site. Well I tried this and got banned from the forum . They weren't clear as to why but when I checked the t's & c's right enough it stated that the forum was not to be used for financial/commercial gain or getting customers etc. I've since looked at other forums which were exactly the same. So can someone please clarify, exactly how is forum posting good for getting backlinks if you can't put in a link to your "money" site??

    Thanks in advance.

    Every forum is different. You need to look at the terms and conditions of the particular forum. For Warrior, you need to go here: WarriorForum - Internet Marketing Forums - FAQ
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    • Profile picture of the author Tim Dixon
      Hi Yves,

      Welcome to the warrior forum.

      As mentioned above every forum is different.

      You can advertise any site you own in your sig file here.

      Below is also a link to the warrior forum rules.

      Warrior Forum Rules - Please Read First!

      That's the key thing right there - every forum has different rules and you need to find the T&C's when joining to make sure you know what you can and cannot legitimately do.

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  • Profile picture of the author yves
    Thanks for the info!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Most forums do not allow blatant ads or direct links in the posts, but most allow them in the sig files.
    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author ednri871
    Being the Owner of several large 100k+ member forums I can tell you what bothers me the most, and will likely get you banned form my sites:

    #1 People posting links to their sites blatantly spamming
    #2 People having a signature, then going around to dozens of threads within 10 minutes posting short worthless replies

    What I will allow:
    If someone asks a question looking for a particular site and you post your relevant site, thats fine. Also signatures are fine as long as you participate and contribute to conversations. I can easily tell if someone is posting just to have their signature shown.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Campbell
    A strategy to consider is running a personal style niche blog and posting that link in your signature. The blog should have relevant information, an opt-in form for a free guide of some sort, and an ad for the site(s) you are promoting. The key is the relevant information that doesn't contain any blatant selling, that is how to get around those limitations at some forums.

    Hope that helps.

    Best Regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author 32paul52
    You got some good advice here- main thing- provide value in the posts you are putting- help people- and maybe not have you sig in the first few posts. I would use an affiliate link- if you had a choice- your own site/blog would be better....
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Doing forums is a long-term credibility builder. Eventually
    if you stick around and learn and contribute and support
    others you'll be viewed as a leader in the community in
    some way and people will assume you are somebody to
    do business with.

    It's "perceptual" on many levels. It matters less who you
    really are and what your motives are than how others
    perceive you. We come here to learn. I think perhaps
    we post to be appreciated. Sometimes we get some money
    but mostly we get the respect of those we perceive as
    our peers.
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  • Profile picture of the author write-stuff
    You might want to think of forums more as a venue where you can exchange information. Considering it primarily as a place to advertise your products or services means that you'll forever be pretending. And it will be difficult to remain interested in the community when you're constantly figuring ways to promote your wares in your messages.

    That doesn't mean that you can't let people know what you do. But place your main focus on helping and being helped with the issues that interest many people. I think you'll find that the resulting give and take will benefit you in ways you never even thought of.

    Welcome to the forum. - Russ
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  • Profile picture of the author IMChick
    This forum is unique and stands above other dreck out there precisely because it has those forum rules AND moderators and members to enforce them.

    I would recommend that you go to the first page of the main internet marketing discussion and actually read all of those stickeys posted above the forum threads. It will be well worth your time to find out what your responsibilities are here, and to make sure that you haven't bent or broken a rule that can get you in hot water...It's not an excuse that you didn't know if it's already in a stickey!

    Welcome--follow the rules & become a part of the community.
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    • Profile picture of the author yves
      Thanks for the tips on forum.

      (I didn't mean using this forum for any marketing antics tho).

      That was good advice bout the sig, before I had heard of this but didn't put it into practice.

      My niches are all about topics I love so I can easily get carried away and post to forums with content of value (I hate it when I see a contrived post just to get the link in).

      Thanks again guys.
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