Thank you Warrior Forum. $80 in my back pocket already and the week has not even begun!!!

17 replies
Ok so I have been trying to figure out the best way for me to make money and I have found it. I am really excited of what this week is going to bring for me, I have been getting quite a few free review copy's to work on and now the work is finally paying of as I have got an order for $80. Well chuffed, I am actually excited about doing the work cause I know that I am going to get paid for it.

I bet you are wondering what I am doing for my services.

Well for a long time I have been into article writing, this has been good but i wanted to do something different and not just article writing. So I went and posted up my article on squidoo lens and was amazed on what you can actually do on there. I then published my lens on the web and within being only a few days I have seen a dramatic increase of traffic.

I then thought to my self I can use this as a service. I have posted my services of creating lens's for other clients on different forums and applied for a couple of freelancing jobs and only on here (warrior Forum) have I gained the most interest. However I am still wanting to see if I have got a freelancing job where I am going to be doing 50 - 100 lens's per month.

Things are looking brighter.

#$80 #back #begun #forum #pocket #warrior #week
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny Optimo
    nice! Take a few moments to celebrate, crack a beer... then get back to work and make it happen again! Seriously though, I do see a lot of people start to get complacent after their first few sales - resist the urge and do the opposite!
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    • Profile picture of the author albag999
      Originally Posted by Johnny Optimo View Post

      nice! Take a few moments to celebrate, crack a beer... then get back to work and make it happen again! Seriously though, I do see a lot of people start to get complacent after their first few sales - resist the urge and do the opposite!
      Thanks, but for me I have kind of celebrated a bit but I am going to sleep as it is Midnight here in the UK and I am going to work on all my lens's that I have to produce first thing in the morning.

      I am determined to make this work. I love working with squidoo and I love creating the lens's
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      • Profile picture of the author Alan Ashwood
        Originally Posted by albag999 View Post

        Thanks, but for me I have kind of celebrated a bit but I am going to sleep as it is Midnight here in the UK and I am going to work on all my lens's that I have to produce first thing in the morning.

        I am determined to make this work. I love working with squidoo and I love creating the lens's
        MIDNIGHT? Why go to bed so early?

        Anyway. Congratulations on your first success, may there be many more to come.
        I must confess though that I've got a few Squidoo lenses, but I don't really understand how Squidoo works, so I've no idea whether it's benefitting me or not.


        PS. It's 3.31am, and I'm still here. Does that make me sad?
        Now where did I put that pencil?

        Time for a cuppa.
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        • Profile picture of the author Agent 23
          Congratulations...keep up the good work.

          Wherever you go, there you are.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    That's great. Glad you found your niche. Wish you success with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolas simpson
    Thats good news, i hope things continue to get better for you.

    best regards
    Discover Reggae | Dancehall [Jamaica]
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  • Profile picture of the author HawkPrecision
    Congrats! You've inspired me! It's cool you started out writing articles, I'm doing that too, but right now I'm in need of finding more places to work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Showfom
    Congrats! You should do it better!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Yes, I echo the congratulations that you've received. What Sbucciarel said, you found your niche! That's an interesting statement to take away and ponder. "Find your niche"
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x

    Because of it's inherent search engine authority, Squidoo can be a great way to suck in some serious traffic.

    Lens building can be a profitable business. I recommend doing it for awhile, but, then, stepping back and re-evaluating if you could earn more by doing proper keyword research, and building the lenses for yourself, to keep for yourself (rather than creating them for someone else). Of course, this would always take some skill beyond just 'building' them....always something to consider.
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  • Profile picture of the author iWebProfits
    Very impressive mate. Services + Outsourcing are where the big $ comes in!

    Keep it up.

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  • Profile picture of the author southbeachnick
    Nothing like that first bit of money ! Just keep focused like the others are telling you.

    It's easy to get relaxed.
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  • Profile picture of the author BabyMama
    Great job! Thats the key with services providing something that no one else is doing or adding in something extra.
    Keep up the good work. Once you get some reviews coming into your thread and bump it a few times you will have built up an excellent income.
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  • Profile picture of the author victor9011
    That is a nice story. I wish I earned that much today. I only made 8$!
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    • Profile picture of the author JBroyer44
      nice work man,

      I also broke into the IM world offering services and it is by far the best way to get going and create some seed money for your more ambitious projects.

      Someone mentioned services + outsourcing is a way to scale up and make some real good money, and that is so true. If you can come up with a system and outsource it to someone where you might not make as much money in your pocket for every lens but you will make more money per week due to scale.

      My only word of caution when providing services to clients and outsourcing that work, is stay on your outsourcers! Manage their time and deadlines, if you let it get away from you and grow too fast and can cause a nightmare, unfortunately i learned that lesson the hard way.

      "The force is strong with this one"
      Facebook Ad Services:

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  • Profile picture of the author abubakar89
    Congrats ..... I would love to see you on top of your niche ...... wishing you good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author powerstrike
    that's great I remember my first few bucks online "watery eyes" I love making $$ online
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