Time for the Nausea, the Self Doubt, and the Fear To Take Over

3 replies
"Now it's just time for the nausea, the self doubt, and the fear to take over. That's the fun part."
- Conan O'Brien, discussing his comedy tour

Here's a guy who has been in Entertainment for years, and he still gets the same feelings as a novice.

Translation: For those of you out there creating your first product, or building your first website, etc... whatever it may be: Don't let these feelings hold you back. They are normal, we all have them at points in our career, and the key is to just keep moving forward.

Just get out there and go for for it. KICKASS AND TAKE NAMES!
#doubt #fear #nausea #time
  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    What Legit said! In the words of a famous singer: "Too legit to quit!"

    Sorry had to.

    It's scary out there, but you can do it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Courage isn't the absence of fear - but the determination to continue.

      I've always thought if you don't have that twist in your gut and deer in the headlights feeling once in a while - you aren't pushing yourself hard enough.
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      • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Courage isn't the absence of fear - but the determination to continue.

        I've always thought if you don't have that twist in your gut and deer in the headlights feeling once in a while - you aren't pushing yourself hard enough.
        Very true.

        And you know, I think beginners (at least a lot of them) think that those who are established "have it easy", or that they don't get these same feelings...and that's just not the case.

        I hope the main things people will take away, is to not let fear hold them back (use it as a motivator instead), and that fear is NOT exclusive to beginners.

        The fear of failure, thinking things such as:
        "what if my product isn't good enough",
        "What if I get a bad review",
        "What if my website flops"
        "What if I don't make any money", etc...

        These are all NORMAL thoughts to have, because it means you CARE about what you are doing.
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