Sub Domain and Page Rank

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I've been approached by an organization to install Wordpress on their hosting but they are using Convio and Convio is setup to NOT all anything in a subdirectory (ie But, they are offering to install a subdomain (ie. Now the domain has a HUGE page rank and several tens of thousands of backlinks that I want the blog to benefit from.

However, I learned that subdomains before the domain name everything is lost when it comes to backlinks and PR.

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    I've been approached by an organization to install Wordpress on their hosting but they are using Convio and Convio is setup to NOT all anything in a subdirectory (ie But, they are offering to install a subdomain (ie. Now the domain has a HUGE page rank and several tens of thousands of backlinks that I want the blog to benefit from. However, I learned that subdomains before the domain name everything is lost when it comes to backlinks and PR.