Any Joomla experts here??

9 replies
I want to add an interactive forum / community to my website, and have been looking at Joomla as an option. I am a real newbie so I don't want anything that's too technical to setup.

I want visitors to be able to get involved, leave feedback, ideas and comments about a variety of different topics and have read that other forums get spammed regularly or are difficult to police.

Is Joomla the right option for me? If not, is there anything else?
#experts #joomla
  • Profile picture of the author kazakhan
    Originally Posted by ZiggyWhybrow View Post

    Is Joomla the right option for me? If not, is there anything else?
    Joomla can with the right plugins do what you need. It is tedious to get it all setup though.
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    • Profile picture of the author ZiggyWhybrow
      Originally Posted by kazakhan View Post

      Joomla can with the right plugins do what you need. It is tedious to get it all setup though.
      Thank you for your response.

      Do you have any examples of Joomla communities that you have setup that I can view?
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      • Profile picture of the author kazakhan
        Originally Posted by ZiggyWhybrow View Post

        Thank you for your response.

        Do you have any examples of Joomla communities that you have setup that I can view?
        No i don't. If you already have a site joomla probably isn't the way to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author krishananda
    So you have built the website using joomla or just looking for forum platform for the site?

    If you're using joomla currently you can use the forum extension like fireboard.
    But if your site is not joomla based, you can use other forum platform like phpbb.

    If spammers you are concern of, I'm not sure about other ways but spammers would always be there, you can always ban them, ban the IP, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZiggyWhybrow
    No I have a basic site that I want to add a forum to. I read bad reviews about PHPBB, again relating to spammers. I don't really relish the idea of spending all my time removing spam and banning people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prashaant
    pm me with details... almost ALL my sites run on joomla..... maybe i can help....
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  • Profile picture of the author jkt777
    If you only want to add a forum, joomla would probably not be way to go.

    Have you checked out SMF?
    Home of SMF: Free PHP and MySQL forum software

    If your site gets traffic you will get spammers.
    It helps if you only allow registered users to post and turn on captcha
    for registrations.

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  • Profile picture of the author ZiggyWhybrow
    Thank you Joel

    I will look into the Simple Machines forum software. That looks like it could work. I am still worried about spammers and taking my time to prevent junk posts. Do you have experience with Simple Machines?
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    • Profile picture of the author jkt777
      Originally Posted by ZiggyWhybrow View Post

      Thank you Joel

      I will look into the Simple Machines forum software. That looks like it could work. I am still worried about spammers and taking my time to prevent junk posts. Do you have experience with Simple Machines?
      Yes, I have a joomla site and originally had SMF integrated with a bridge.
      I had a lot of problems getting them to work together after updating one or the other and changed to fireboard since it is an actual joomla component.

      Smf has more features and in my opinion is better against spam.
      They have several security add-ons here:

      Search results

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