Newbie? You're not making any money? Here's the world's simpliest blueprint...
Step 1. Pick a niche (5 minutes)
Step 2. Set up a squeeze page and offer
a free PLR report (30-45 minutes)
Step 3. Drive traffic by all means on a daily basis
(2-3 hours per day x 5 days per week. That's at least
10 hours in traffic generation effort, well done you're in the
top 1% of IMers...)
Step 4. Send an email per day Monday to Friday to your list
with a daily tip (a video, a report, an article or an mp3)
[30 minutes per day and doesn't have to be your content]
Step 5. Include in your email a 2 lines ad for an affiliate product
as a PS.
BONUS Step 6: Spend 1-2 hours to educate yourself on IM
on Saturday
Can't make it easier than that.
You won't be rich overnight but stick to it for
6 to 12 months and you may be able to quit your job.
That's it, the only reason you keep buying products
and don't make any money is because you're not
doing those 5 steps...
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