Gotta love random, surprise affiliate checks in the mail

by Dayne Dylan Banned
15 replies
Checked my mail today and got a $130 affiliate commission check from a company I forgot I was even promoting in my autoresponder.

Isn't it nice to get these little random checks in the mail from automated promotion in emails via autoresponders?

It's a beautiful thing...too bad I really don't do affiliate promotions more. I'm more into my own product creation.

Even if the small check is for $50, it always feels just as good...never gets old.

P.S. IM LESSON: DO something with your opt-ins. Load up your autoresponder with a lot of content rich emails and non pushy promotions and you will be shocked at what can happen.
#affiliate #checks #gotta #love #mail #random #surprise
  • Profile picture of the author TZ
    Yeah no kidding.

    I had a Cell Phone site 2 years ago where I would make a commission every month they used their phone. I set my payout at $1000 and forgot about.

    I got a check last November for $1129 USD. SHOCKER!

    Love this business...

    $php_coding = "consistent cash";

    echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");

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  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta
    Thats cool! You could call it a New Years present! ; )

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Moffatt
    I logged into a account the other day and saw I had $5900 in commissions that I had totally forgot/neglected.

    No clue how that much slipped the mind. Heck, that's a good chunk of cash even for myself.

    Found another $150 in Deal Dot Com this morning too that I had no clue about.

    I definitely need a better system to pay attention of my promo's and who's actually paid.
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    • Profile picture of the author sammor
      Originally Posted by Jason Moffatt View Post

      I logged into a account the other day and saw I had $5900 in commissions that I had totally forgot/neglected.

      No clue how that much slipped the mind. Heck, that's a good chunk of cash even for myself.

      Found another $150 in Deal Dot Com this morning too that I had no clue about.

      I definitely need a better system to pay attention of my promo's and who's actually paid.
      Hey Mo,
      I guess thats why you forgot about that $200 i owe you (just kidding)
      Whens your next Tv show buddy?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[427028].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikecowles
    I agree 100%. I ran a wso a few times on "One Hour Google" and still get sales just about everyday and it's been weeks since the last time I ran it!

    This is a great time to be alive and in biz online. If you're still on the sidelines wondering if it's real or if it works, it does. Create your own (quality) product and put it on the warriors forum to start. If you don't know how to create a product, here's a few tips.

    1. Interview an expert on the phone and sell the mp3. You can use Free Conference Call, Phone Conferencing, Teleconferences - for the recording and audacity to add some music to the beginning and end to add a real professional feel. (both software are free).

    2. Find two or three great ebooks on one topic (like listbuilding or affiliate marketing, etc.) that you've read and hire someone through the warriors forum to rewrite them as one ebook. *Hint: take the best chapters from each ebook only, not all of them.

    3. Go to and hire a programmer to write some software for you. To get an idea for what software to write, think of a common problem and then 'make up' a solution. Then see if a programmer can make it happen.

    I did this with "Affiliate Link Magic" and have had a ton of people thank me and pay me for finding this solution to building your list while promoting affiliate programs.

    Get started on "ONE" project and stay with it until it's done!

    ~Mike Cowles. <><
    FREE Countdown Software for warriors here. (No Opt-in Needed)
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  • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
    Mike, couldn't have said it better myself.
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    • Profile picture of the author zackriley
      Originally Posted by Dayne Dylan View Post

      Mike, couldn't have said it better myself.
      Thanks for the great info, Mike!


      Are you trying to make money online? Send me a pm and I'll be happy to help you get started on the right track!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[427810].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mikecowles
      Originally Posted by Dayne Dylan View Post

      Mike, couldn't have said it better myself.
      Thanks for the kudos!

      ~Mike Cowles. <><
      FREE Countdown Software for warriors here. (No Opt-in Needed)
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  • Profile picture of the author adamv
    Originally Posted by Dayne Dylan View Post

    Checked my mail today and got a $130 affiliate commission check from a company I forgot I was even promoting in my autoresponder.

    Isn't it nice to get these little random checks in the mail from automated promotion in emails via autoresponders?
    That's better than finding a $20 bill in a coat pocket from last year.

    I'm too anal about my commissions to get a surprise check in the mail but I do get a great deal of pleasure from logging into an account and seeing commissions adding up.

    A great time to be alive indeed.

    Get a professional voice over for your next audio or video project at an affordable price -- I will record 150 words of text for just $5.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[427109].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      It is sure nice to get multiple affiliate checks per month in the mail. I have affiliate checks that I receive from companies that I have not been promoting for months.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author Writing Pete
    I love these little surprises too. I hardly ever get them (I only get lucky once a year) but it's always a nice feeling to know that work from long ago is still making you money.
    Article Writing: -- -- $5.99 Per Article!
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  • Profile picture of the author JayMartins
    The looks I get from my UK bank cashier when I'm handing over loads of US cheques is always fun

    The charges for converting them isn't mind you!
    Case Study: Offline marketing brings in $6116 every month
    Successful Membership Website / Offline Money / Custom Wordpress / Squeeze Pages
    I charge very cheap rates by PayPal if you need any of the above. Just PM me and we can talk.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[428885].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CalGolden
      You just gotta love the IM game!

      Getting unexpected money is one surprise that I do not mind getting at all.

      I have one niche that I had promoted in heavily about a year ago and have not done anything with it in a good while. But you know what, I get a nice residual monthly income from it like clock work. Totally unexpected money. Too cool!

      This reminds me of that old Dire Straits song,

      " for nothing, and chicks for free."

      Now if I can just get that chicks part down...WOOHOOOOO!

      Get rising to the top,


      Who says men know nothing about dating and relationships? (My wife does not count)

      Dating Tips Insider

      Follow me on Twitter. Catch me if you can!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Kaye
    I got an $18 check in the mail yesterday for a business I just started. I used the name of my new company on my account and, well, they made the check payable to the new company.

    I have no bank account yet...guess I better open one!
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    • Profile picture of the author sammor
      Originally Posted by Mark Kaye View Post

      I got an $18 check in the mail yesterday for a business I just started. I used the name of my new company on my account and, well, they made the check payable to the new company.

      I have no bank account yet...guess I better open one!

      Hardly worth opening up an account for $18....what if you dont get any more.
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