Best place to advertise MLM

9 replies
I am looking to achieve 10000 unique hits a day to my site.

Of course I want to keep this to a reasonable daily budget.

I run an MLM downline building site that is free to join.

Google Adwords is my primary choice but I'm not getting the quality traffic that I get when using safelists.

Any thoughts or opinions?
#advertise #google adwords #mlm #place #safelists #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Allard
    You get better traffic from safelists? Maybe you need to re-think your keywords.

    Also you could do some solo ads in the "make money from home" niche. Not internet marketing exactly, but the type where people pay to get a job at home. Everyone I've seen get involved with that was at a desperate point in their career life so I'm sure you'd see good conversions.

    Facebook page for inspiration & JV opportunities-

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      I think yu can still make Adwords work, but not the way most people approach it. I'm guessing that you tried bidding on the obvious keywords - work at home, home business, homebased business, etc. Close?

      The problem is, those are the keywords that everybody thinks of. The ones they get when they hit the keyword search tool and use those as seed words. So the prices get bid up, and the competition for clicks is high.

      In your shoes, I would look at running ads on the content network, aka Adsense. I'd compile a list of pages (not sites, pages) dealing with downline building and related subjects. Then I'd put my ads on those pages, especially on 'business builder' type blogs, forums, article directories like EZA, etc.

      In fact, I'd probably try a campaign just on EZA and restricted to the MLM pages.

      Something to get the gears moving, anyway...
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      • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
        Hi Ryan,

        I've heard some rumblings about Adwords not mixing well with "make money online" offers and MLM. You may want to look into that and forestall any possible issues there.

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  • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
    I think I would rather have 100 possible buyers than 10,000 "hits." The quality is important. If you are getting good results from safelists, keep with it and expand it and start looking for other options.

    Try some banner ads on MLM forums. These are 100% targeted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Hey, have you tried

    Although, I'm not in MLM I do use that site to generate leads to my IM niche stuff. The site is centered around marketers - especially network marketers.
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  • Profile picture of the author HIPMama
    if you have the right ad and sales funnel, Craigslist is actually a very good resource. I find that advertising your actual MLM typically does not work. You need to provide something else of value -- you. Ask questions, then provide solutions to their problems. They will see you as a valuable asset, then me more inclined to join your business. I wouldn't outright advertise the company.
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    • Profile picture of the author arkhamindustries
      In reference to craigslist, I was curious if anyone has had any success advertising in classifieds for MLM/network marketing type programs
      I am considering joining one and wondered if this would provide many leads.
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  • Profile picture of the author marklyons
    Some of the simple ways to promote your MLM business online & offline-
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  • Profile picture of the author marklyons
    Online Ways to promote MLM business
    1. Creating a website or a blog
    2. Promote through Comments & Forums on MLM topics
    3. Promote your MLM business through Facebook page
    4. Google AdWords
    Offline ways to promote an MLM business
    1. Pamphlet Distribution
    2. Newspaper ad
    3. Poster Ads
    4. Local Cable advertisement
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