Would You Do THIS To Succeed??? The BEST Way To Make Money Online! Period!

37 replies
Here's an inspiring video for you to get your week started! I now watch this every morning to give me a jumpstart as good as coffee!!

I say this is the best way to make money online because hardly anyone does it - yet it's so simple! STICK WITH IT. DON'T GIVE UP!

Let me know what you think!!
  • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
    I hope half of his words weren't meant to be taken literally.

    Focusing on success so badly that you forget to eat, sleep, have a social life and such is just a recipe for....well..... Death.

    I am all for hard work but this speaker needs to understand laying back, grab a few drinks, and enjoy life every now and then is just as important.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bballer1
      Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

      I hope half of his words weren't meant to be taken literally.

      Focusing on success so badly that you forget to eat, sleep, have a social life and such is just a recipe for....well..... Death.

      I am all for hard work but this speaker needs to understand laying back, grab a few drinks, and enjoy life every now and then is just as important.

      Yes, there must be a balance. You cannot be too focused to succeed in one thing and neglect the other important things in your life. Otherwise, it would feel "empty" and it would not last.
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    • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
      Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

      I hope half of his words weren't meant to be taken literally.

      Focusing on success so badly that you forget to eat, sleep, have a social life and such is just a recipe for....well..... Death.

      I am all for hard work but this speaker needs to understand laying back, grab a few drinks, and enjoy life every now and then is just as important.
      I think ALL of his words were meant to be taken literally.

      Somehow, I think the speaker understands quite a bit about what effect 'laying back, grab a few drinks, and enjoy life very now and then' will have.

      Somehow, I don't think you do.

      The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

      Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

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      • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
        Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

        I think ALL of his words were meant to be taken literally.

        Somehow, I think the speaker understadsn quite a bit about what effect 'laying back, grab a few drinks, and enjoy life very now and then' will have.

        Somehow, I don't think you do
        Care to elaborate on that?

        I can control myself. I like pleasure as much as the next guy but never get sucked into it too much.

        It sounds like the speaker was encouraging the lifestyle of an workaholic. Maybe I am missing something here. Enlighten me.
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        • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
          Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

          Care to elaborate on that?

          I can control myself. I like pleasure as much as the next guy but never get sucked into it too much.

          It sounds like the speaker was encouraging the lifestyle of an workaholic. Maybe I am missing something here. Enlighten me.
          This is not about controlling yourself, or being a workaholic. A workaholic works just for the work, not the outcome.

          It's about the intensity of the passion to be, do, or have what you want. It's about being so consumed by a goal that you think of little else.

          Have you never been so driven while you're doing something that you have no idea what time it is, don't care, eat because you know you should, not because you're hungry, sleep because you can't stay awake but you want to, all because you want to get it done?

          If you haven't, there's really no way I can describe it. If you have, then you know what the speaker is talking about.

          The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

          Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

      Focusing on success so badly that you forget to eat, sleep, have a social life and such is just a recipe for....well..... Death

      LOL Death awaits us all...

      Until science delivers that little red pill that gives us immortality, then I will be at the front of the line...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author virtualgeek
      Originally Posted by Dash Evra View Post

      I hope half of his words weren't meant to be taken literally.

      Focusing on success so badly that you forget to eat, sleep, have a social life and such is just a recipe for....well..... Death.

      I am all for hard work but this speaker needs to understand laying back, grab a few drinks, and enjoy life every now and then is just as important.
      I agree... All work and no play makes a person dull or yeah like he said ... dead... Amidst all your hard work you should also enjoy yourself... Go splurge a little and you can say "aaahhhh fruits of my hard work".
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  • Profile picture of the author J Cohen
    Awesome Video

    Thanks for sharing friend

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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickP
    I definitely agree when you are caught up in what you are doing (enjoying what you are doing or need to do for your business) you forget to eat for almost an entire day and put off sleep sometimes for a day or so.

    As for the running and exercising well I do 4 - 5 hours of cardio per day when training for a race so yea I would say I would do that lol
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  • Profile picture of the author whatihave
    Thanks for sharing this. It's very inspiring.
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  • Profile picture of the author larrydcook
    Great video, just breathe & be balanced!

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  • Profile picture of the author juicebrenner
    Football is not my thing,but I'd have to say that the workout looks very intense.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeMartin
    Very inspiring words! We need to understand that if we want to be successful we need to WORK!
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    • Profile picture of the author AprilCT
      I remember days when I just didn't have time to sleep. One thing I never forgot about was getting something to eat. Your work life can be intense, but if you don't balance it with rest and some fun time out, you run the risk of becoming ill, a physical or mental problem, or even both. Illness will slow you down.
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      • Profile picture of the author gmil88
        Nice video, thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author savvybizbuilder
    Most IM can relate from this video. In order to become successful we often miss to sleep and even eat. We make impossible things like walking under the water just to reach that peak.
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  • Profile picture of the author backendbuddy
    Think everyone is right here, right?
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  • Profile picture of the author chris1985
    Great Video!! I think he must be making money on AdSense to affort training and not working, when he wants.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanJohnson
    I have a feeling that the ones that "disagree" with this video are the ones still struggling to REALLY succeed. The point has absolutely nothing to do with football or working out. It doesn't actually mean to not eat or sleep.... or breathe.

    The video is trying to explain that a great way to be super successful... and I don't mean make just enough to survive, I mean really MAKE IT.... is to WANT to be successful as bad as you want to do those other things (eat, sleep, breathe).

    He made the extreme examples because that's how bad you have to WANT IT. You can't just SAY that you want it, you have to REALLY WANT it bad enough to GO GET IT.

    I'm sure most people that have 'made it' understand the message of the video.
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    • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
      Originally Posted by RyanJohnson View Post

      I have a feeling that the ones that "disagree" with this video are the ones still struggling to REALLY succeed. The point has absolutely nothing to do with football or working out. It doesn't actually mean to not eat or sleep.... or breathe.

      The video is trying to explain that a great way to be super successful... and I don't mean make just enough to survive, I mean really MAKE IT.... is to WANT to be successful as bad as you want to do those other things (eat, sleep, breathe).

      He made the extreme examples because that's how bad you have to WANT IT. You can't just SAY that you want it, you have to REALLY WANT it bad enough to GO GET IT.

      I'm sure most people that have 'made it' understand the message of the video.
      Ryan, I agree with you. I've heard very successful people speak like Bob Proctor, T. Harv Ecker, Jack Canfield etc. and each one of them have a story where they wore themselves out going after what they wanted.

      The point isn't to do that to succeed. It is that when you have that much passion, you WILL SO whatever it takes to succeed.

      And yes, I agree with all the people who say you need balance in your life, too. I used to always tell myself when I was working day and night, that this was just for a short while so that I can spend the rest of my life doing all I want to do. :-)
      44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

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  • Profile picture of the author InfinetADs
    This was nice!! Thanks for sharing! There has to be balance in everything we do, when we focus too much on one thing and neglect ourselves and everything else the thing that used to be your passion loses its spark. But anything worth doing is worth doing right and putting your whole heart and effort into it.


    The Affiliate Network With Infinet Possibilities!
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  • Profile picture of the author czilbersher
    This video isn't about success; it's about desperation. Be my guest and follow this advice: Go without sleep; forget to eat. Ignore the the fact that you are a biological entity that requires those things to function, think, react and behave.

    If you want success THIS bad, maybe you need to re-examine your priorities. Are you willing to make yourself vulnerable to disease? Or give up family time with your children because if you don't, then you apparently don't want it bad enough?

    What the hell is wrong with you? Ever heard the term "Balance"?

    My life isn't perfect: I'm a self-employed consultant. I work at home; I take long walks on the beach nearly every day with my wife; I'm about 15 lbs overweight; I work anywhere from 4 to 10 hrs. each day (avg. about 6). I rent; I have a 6-figure income; would love to be rich but am not willing to sacrifice my current quality of life to get it. I'm probably nobody's role model but at least I'm happy. I know my priorities in life. Balance is near the top.

    Sorry, I didn't like this video. I didn't care for the message at all.

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    • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
      Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

      It's about the intensity of the passion to be, do, or have what you want. It's about being so consumed by a goal that you think of little else.

      Have you never been so driven while you're doing something that you have no idea what time it is, don't care, eat because you know you should, not because you're hungry, sleep because you can't stay awake but you want to, all because you want to get it done?
      I know what you mean. I've been there. It's not a bad thing to feel that way. But, being as drastic as forgetting about everything else in life (ignoring wife, children, friends, healthy diet, sex life, relaxation time etc...) just for the sake of financial goals doesn't sound like good advice.

      Originally Posted by RyanJohnson View Post

      The video is trying to explain that a great way to be super successful... and I don't mean make just enough to survive, I mean really MAKE IT.... is to WANT to be successful as bad as you want to do those other things (eat, sleep, breathe).
      Exactly what I meant in my post above when I said his words are not supposed to be taken as literal actions. They key word here is "want" not "preposterous actions."

      Originally Posted by czilbersher View Post

      If you want success THIS bad, maybe you need to re-examine your priorities. Are you willing to make yourself vulnerable to disease? Or give up family time with your children because if you don't, then you apparently don't want it bad enough?
      Again, that's the literal meaning I advised against in my first post. Glad to see some people share the same perspective.

      Originally Posted by vtotheyouknow View Post

      Some of that video is BS.

      Sleep is the force multiplier for productivity and physical integrity.

      Working hard is all good and everything but working SMART produces disproportionate results for the effort involved.
      Another reason why this video shouldn't be taken literally. It contradicts itself. Without sleeping or resting, your mind won't be as sharp hence you'll be less productive.

      I only spend 4 hours a day on my online business starting this year. I was earning $100 - $250 per month at the beginning but in the last 3 months, I averaged over a little $1000/month working only 4 hours daily. I am not where I want to be but it's growing day by day without me having to kill myself.

      With all due respect, if any one here is finding that the only way to build their online business is by forgetting about everything else in their life, then you are definitely doing something wrong and need to go back to the drawing board.
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      • Profile picture of the author vtrujillo
        I think too many of the people watching this video are taking the speakers advice waaaay too literally. It was a very inspirational video that was trying to give the message that you must not let anything stand in the way of achieving your dreams.

        You have to want something so bad you were willing to forgo other things in order to achieve your goals. Too many of us just lower our goals rather than do what it takes to achieve the dreams we have. I don't think I've ever known any self-made highly successful people who didn't give up major amounts of "other" things in order to reach their goals.

        I'm talking about your own personal dreams and goals not what others say you should have. I've known considerably more people who give up on their dreams or lower there goals rather than give the effort required.

        However, if you don't have goals that require that kind of sacrifice then more power to you. The video was meant to serve as inspiration to those of us who need some additional motivation and understand that level of hunger and sacrifice. That kind of motivation works for me.

        The video was also showing amazing footage of what high performing athletes must do in order to make it to that level. It was serving as an example of what it sometimes takes to reach those really high goals. So many people don't understand what others do to attain their goals.

        The speaker was talking about overcoming obstacles and creating hunger and passion for your goals. Great message and great video.

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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        I agree the dramatized message in the video seems to have been missed or misunderstood. For those who are athletes, you know the feeling of winning - and the intensity of what it takes. For example when working out, running, etc something really does happen inside you - but only after near collapse and feeling that you just cannot go on. It's that "second wind" experienced by runners, the "adrenaline rush" of pushing beyond pain, or the "epiphany" that often comes only after periods of seemingly unendurable failure. These are very basic foundations of success.

        "For me, winning isn't something that happens suddenly on the field when the whistle blows and the crowds roar. Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that you train and every night that you dream."
        - Emmitt Smith

        "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
        - Theodore Roosevelt
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  • Profile picture of the author LarryC
    I like the basic idea of the video. Most of the time, you don't have to skip meals or stay up 3 days in a row to succeed, but the point is that you're willing to make sacrifices if you have to. Btw, the story he told is an old Zen tale about a disciple who wants to reach enlightenment.

    Zen Stories
    Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamie Drew
    This is a good message. Kinda reminds of a rugby team talk videos I seen on a documentary of a British Lions tour of '97 by Jim Telfer.

    It's about being honest with yourself and instead of making excuses, making a vow to get better everyday, not complaining and just doing what needs done.

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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    Thanks! Good reminder. This video reminds me of a quote:
    "Success people will do what the majority won't to live like the majority can't"

    I'm not saying you shouldn't sleep or eat but I have to say, when I opened my first really successful offline business, I don't remember eating much or sleeping much for 2 years until I had built it up to have managers running the locations. It just happened that way. :-)
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

    Guaranteed 60% Opt In Rate Traffic-Real People-Fresh Today-High Quality Biz Opp traffic![/URL]
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeanne Lovely
    Great video - I find that when I am creating a product I get so involved that I stay up till all crazy hours, and neglect everything else around me, but when I am done I go back to living like a "normal" person.

    When I get creative it is hard to stop - I am getting better at planning my time so I do not have to do that - I am learning the 4 things a day rule that my coaches have taught me - some days it is 4 easy things other days, 3 easy and one hard - working out a little better.
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  • Profile picture of the author vtotheyouknow
    Some of that video is BS.

    Sleep is the force multiplier for productivity and physical integrity.

    Working hard is all good and everything but working SMART produces disproportionate results for the effort involved.

    Inspiring vid, nonetheless.
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  • I like this video! very inspiring!
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Brauer
    Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to make a point that he's not literally saying "work yourself to the brink of death."

    Rather, go the extra mile, 2 miles, or 3 miles - DON'T STOP. Most people give up way too early. What does that mean for us?

    Be the person that sticks with one thing, until you absolutely DOMINATE it. Find what works and put it on steroids. Treat your business like a business - not a hobby.

    But of course, you have to have balance!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Rhinovette
      Yeah Man..., exactly.

      He's not saying - don't eat.
      You have to be willing to miss a meal
      You have to be willing to do whatever it takes.

      The point being....


      .......But don't lose sight of the reason you're doing it to begin with.

      Originally Posted by prophetmktg View Post

      Hey everyone,

      I just wanted to make a point that he's not literally saying "work yourself to the brink of death."

      Rather, go the extra mile, 2 miles, or 3 miles - DON'T STOP. Most people give up way too early. What does that mean for us?

      Be the person that sticks with one thing, until you absolutely DOMINATE it. Find what works and put it on steroids. Treat your business like a business - not a hobby.

      But of course, you have to have balance!!
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  • It's cool ~ although it takes time to go through the process , the inspirational thing is , to be not give up on the thing you start up. PROCESS , we should enjoy , and love to fail and love to rise again. =) Great sharing !

    Visit my site at www.alancwl.com
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  • Profile picture of the author World Marketing
    Great post...I also find myself shut down from the real world when I am working on a new project...It's a crazy addiction but worth every minute!

    I make $5,000+ a month online [CLICK HERE] to see how you can do the same starting today!

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  • You know what, once it's starts, and you've been flooded by the inspirational quotes, how can you LOSE ?!

    Most of the pros will keep on mentioning, PERSISTENCE, PATIENT, AND GO FOR IT ~
    YEAH ~ do it ~!

    Visit my site at www.alancwl.com
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Brauer
      Originally Posted by Alan Chin The Sniper View Post

      You know what, once it's starts, and you've been flooded by the inspirational quotes, how can you LOSE ?!

      Most of the pros will keep on mentioning, PERSISTENCE, PATIENT, AND GO FOR IT ~
      YEAH ~ do it ~!
      Totally agreed!
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