Site Flippers- I Need You!
There is one blog in particular I want to sell. Its wordpress based, got some good and essential plugins for seo, nice free theme which can easily integrate ads into it and looks VERY pro.
I am writing ten unique articles for it as we speak and have added 10 articles from ezinearticles on it (with the author bio included still at the bottom). The site has no traffic or revenue and I want to sell it for 40-49 dollars. I have looked at sitepoint, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of people buying the brand new websites and it seems competitive. Has anyone got any advice and does this website sound like it can fetch 40 dollars?
-Are there any other places I might be able to sell this site?
-Anything else I can do to make this offer more attractive?
Ideally I want the buyer to move the website off my hosting, but they'll get free hosting until they do so. If I can't get the 20 bucks profit I want (40 dollars minutes the twenty for listing it) then I might just give it away to a warrior here on the forum.
If anyone has got any advice I'd appreciate it and I'd really owe you one. Like seriously, I might even be able to sort a free domain or two out for you if you could do this for me and you can flip it for profit to your heart's content!
Thanks in advance for any help or feedback.
$7 WSO: PLR Rights to 100+ Wordpress Themes!
Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...
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