Making EVERY Buyer Share/Tweet About Your Website

17 replies
Clever idea just occurred to me.

Instead of pricing your next small product at $9, price it at $18, but offer 50% off if they like/share/tweet your link.

You can use a service such as "Pay with a Tweet" or "Cloud:share".

I have a feeling this would work wonders for simplistic, clean cut sales pages.
#buyer #making #share or tweet #website
  • Profile picture of the author Coptech
    Very good idea!

    But the flip side is it might lead to people just getting a twitter account wiht just a couple of followers and say "alright" when all he is doing is trying to get a discount. haha..
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  • Profile picture of the author trishacupra911
    It's a great idea, as long as the product is worth $18. How do you actually offer the discount, though? Can you specify a page that Pay with a Tweet redirects to after they share?
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Just sell it at $18 and ask them to share it.

    Not worth messing around at these sorts of figures.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Rankomatic
    I see that you are a war room member. There is a free wso in the war room that does just that. It forces people to +1, Tweet or FB your page. You should check it out
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by Rankomatic View Post

      It forces people to +1, Tweet or FB your page. You should check it out
      It forces them???

      Whatever happened to just asking politely?

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    I do add a twitter button to each service offered. I believe social bookmarking is much more effective than regular backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
    The pricing point shouldn't really be a cause of problem.

    Make a product that is good enough to be worth $18. Then offer it half of for a share/tweet. Literally everyone is going to take the 50%. And who cares, because an $18 product is not meant to rake in the big bucks. The money is in the list and the sales funnel that you have after they purchase.
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  • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
    Hell, it could even be listed at $9 and be given away for free with a share.

    The higher price is really just a way to make them think "I'm getting a great deal, I should take them up on this"
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Forcing somebody to like you in exchange for money sounds a lot like paying people to be your friends. It doesn't sound like the basis for a long term relationship. I have heard that it is easier to sell more to the same customers rather than to keep finding new ones.

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      • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
        Originally Posted by JMichaelZ View Post

        Forcing somebody to like you in exchange for money sounds a lot like paying people to be your friends. It doesn't sound like the basis for a long term relationship. I have heard that it is easier to sell more to the same customers rather than to keep finding new ones.
        I disagree. Not with your statement, but with your assessment that that is what I'm talking about/doing.

        It's not forcing anyone.

        It's simple, small, and slick sales page, that lists the report as $9 above the fold. Then right afterwards has a highlighted kind of "bonus option" that says "Wait, to give you an even better deal, all you have to do is share this on Facebook to get my report for FREE!"

        Personally, I think people would be happy to do this.

        Additionally, I think you misunderstand the purpose of it. It is not really to start a relationship with them on facebook. It's to virally spread your product on facebook.
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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
          Originally Posted by TCrosby View Post

          I disagree. Not with your statement, but with your assessment that that is what I'm talking about/doing.

          It's not forcing anyone.

          It's simple, small, and slick sales page, that lists the report as $9 above the fold. Then right afterwards has a highlighted kind of "bonus option" that says "Wait, to give you an even better deal, all you have to do is share this on Facebook to get my report for FREE!"

          Personally, I think people would be happy to do this.

          Additionally, I think you misunderstand the purpose of it. It is not really to start a relationship with them on facebook. It's to virally spread your product on facebook.
          That could be that I am misunderstanding what you are doing. It sounds like you want to give people $9.00 to get them to send promote your product for you. Or the equivalent value in a price discount.

          Here is my thinking which may be different than other people's thinking on Facebook, so I might not be a candidate for this idea.

          I see something for sale. No matter what it is, I don't really know if it is any good or not. (not slighting your product here, I just don't know about anybody's product).

          But the way it is set up from what I am understanding you to say is that in order to get the really good deal, I have to tell my friends about it ahead of me being able to see if it truly is a good product. No matter what, my name and reputation are now attached to your product, and I have no way to change that.

          If your product is great, then maybe my friends are happy or maybe they are tired of me sending out stuff like this - no way to tell. Or maybe your product is bad, in which case, I don't really need my name to be linked with yours.

          Either way, I have to decide if your product is worth recommending it to my friends before I know anything about it, for me personally, the risk is not worth $9.00. Maybe not everyone will make a decision that way, maybe nobody else will. But all you can really do is test it, to see if it converts for you.

          You could run a test against a scenario where you email people after they buy it and see if they like it enough to recommend it to their friends for an additional bonus. And see which way brings you more money.

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          • Profile picture of the author trishacupra911
            Originally Posted by JMichaelZ View Post

            But the way it is set up form what I am understanding you to say is that in order to get the really good deal, I have to tell my friends about it ahead of me being able to see if it truly is a good product. No matter what, my name and reputation is now attached to your product, and I have no way to change that.
            That's exactly what has made me hesitate in the past to 'Pay with a Tweet'. It really is food for thought.

            Maybe it would be easier to tweet something like this:

            "I'm checking out a free copy of [insert product title] right now. It sounds interesting."

            The wording isn't perfect, but it's much less risky than tweeting this:

            "Hey, come get [insert product title] FREE!!! It's totally awesome!!! Get it now!!!"

            ...and then it turns out to be a pile of trash.
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            • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
              Originally Posted by trishacupra911 View Post

              That's exactly what has made me
              Maybe it would be easier to tweet something like this:

              "I'm checking out a free copy of [insert product title] right now. It sounds interesting.
              Oh absolutely. That's the only way I would do it.

              I completely agree that if you make them tweet something extreme than that would leave a bad taste in their mouth.

              I'd be going for more of they "Hey I stumbled across something free" kind of word of mouth, rather than they "Hey XYZ is great you should try it"
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  • Profile picture of the author JettH
    I have never really understood the Facebook hide/reveal method.
    How can I like something that I haven't seen?

    Liking something for a discount is the same deal.
    I'm sure many people would be reticent to pimp their reputation for a discount.

    The idea would probably work for an IM audience - but maybe not in the "real world".
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      If I decided to buy a product and then had a message that I could "save" if I would just go to FB....etc

      I'd change my mind and would not buy. After all, I was prepared to pay $18....but in my mind the product just became worth $9 instead. I think this is a bright idea that could backfire and cost you sales.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    I'm sure this would work on someone who is seeking to get the best deal.

    HOWEVER, for me personally... I'm not a dog. If I want your product and don't want to hawk it on my twitter page then I'll pay full price. Like I said that's just me. I'm sure others are different.
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author trishacupra911
    I just had a flash of insight on this. Give away a freebie with no strings - but offer a bonus to whoever will 'pay with a tweet'. The thing is, they don't tweet/share about the unseen bonus - they only tweet/share about the freebie they've actually seen and hopefully used and can genuinely recommend.

    Does that make sense?
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