Do you remember when you got your first ever paycheck via online Biz? How did you feel?

28 replies
Dear Warriors,

Do you remember when you got your first payment through internet marketing? How did you feel? How was your weekend?
#biz #feel #online #online business paycheck #paycheck #remember
  • Profile picture of the author Rankomatic
    Ahhhh yes, what a year 1997 was, the year of my first CB paycheck. Photographed that puppy and framed it too (I never cashed it lol)

    It was only for $63 hehehe
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    • Profile picture of the author dadamson
      Originally Posted by Rankomatic View Post

      Ahhhh yes, what a year 1997 was, the year of my first CB paycheck. Photographed that puppy and framed it too (I never cashed it lol)

      It was only for $63 hehehe

      HAHAHA, I cashed it, but firstly scanned it in colour and it has been on my pinboard ever since.

      It is a clickback cheque from selling like 5 FarmVille Secrets ebooks over the course of 2 years, hahah.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeatMap

    Mine was way back in the dark ages when I received a real check in the post for $12 from CafePress.

    It kind of sucked because it was in $USD, and the amount was too small to be worth changing at a bank in my country. CafePress won that time

    I kept the check. I might frame it one day too.

    I've done much better since then though
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    I don't remember at all. Probably because there was nothing about that experience that was truly life changing...

    What I do remember is how I felt the first time I made $10k in one day online and then how I felt when I launched my first product and pulled in $17k from one teleseminar just 12 hours after announcing it.

    I think celebrating your first buck online is a little premature... ANYONE can make a buck or hundred online. Real success online sets in motion a continual flow of income that significantly impacts your life.

    Life changing paradgym shifts from success in marketing are NOT necessarily measured just by the size of the windfall though. My greatest aha moment was the day I walked into a store on a whim with a couple strings of beads I made and sold them all... making $60 which at the time was about twice the daily takehome of a minimum wage earner.

    I realized two things at that point:

    1. I could make goods with my creative talents, hands, and raw materials that others could sell at a markup.

    2. If I could repeat that over and over I would never have to work for anyone again.

    Keep in mind that I was essentially homeless at the time, just coming off the worst three years of hunger and homelessness of my life, and was living off one small penut butter and raisin sandwich a day.

    My life did not change overnight... but something inside of me instantly did.

    I gained a confidence in myself that until that moment I believed might exist in me but had not disovered.

    That set me on a path of creation, and sales and marketing that over time, with dilligence, and confident effort allowed me to build up the experience and knowledge and develop the talents that I use to lead my company with vision to this day.

    Yes, be excited about your small successes and rejoice IF they bring a true paradgym shift to your life and give you the vision you need to succeed...

    But beware as there are so many ways to make a little cash online that do NOT lead to prosperity and do not bring true life changing vision.
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  • Profile picture of the author Seth Bias
    My first payday on the web was from $harecash.. $86 cashed it ... Beer money
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  • Profile picture of the author xavierfok
    The first time i made any money was from warrior forums. I could not believe that anyone was actually going to buy it, but they did!

    I left the money sitting there but well i was overjoyed. I went around telling my dad how great I was at this and my girlfriend too. I had her watching the sales videos and the upsell letters like a number of times and was laughing the whole day!

    Right after that was great reviews from fellow warriors and that felt really great, more than the money was the appreciation that was there. They actually found the stuff beneficial for them and that feeling is priceless.

    Go for your first cheque and savour the feeling!
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  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar

    Uaaaa!! Uaaa!! UAHHH!!

    My location is a bit tricky that's why a few of my commission checks were lost. I got my commissions online in paypal and other accounts but getting a check in hand is priceless.

    I got 2 master-cards by mail and the feeling was just like getting a check. So yes it was awesome! I felt free and happy!
    Tamal Anwar C.
    I transform old outdated 1990s/2000s websites
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    • Profile picture of the author dadamson
      Originally Posted by tamalanwar View Post

      getting a check in hand is priceless.
      I'd have to say I prefer cash straight into PayPal or my bank account. A cheque is so old fashioned and kind of annoying.

      I have to take it to the bank, they charge me $10 processing fee, then I have to wait nearly 10 minutes for them to process the thing
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenny4u1
    That day it was a big party with all my friends. My first earnings were $60. One more thing I added another $200 to celebrate the party. I got that much happiness by the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    I got my first ever pay check from IM this week. Before ive just got paid via paypal for anything ive earned.

    It doesn't really feel anything getting a check because you know you earned that before the check arrived, the good feeling is when you see sales on your screen.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mizzy Princess
    It feels great when i had my first check! Celebrated it with my friends actually. And most importantly, it inspired me more to do my best in IM.
    Know more about paper crafts and be amazed!
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  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    For few seconds, I felt that "I'm the best internet marketer of the world"

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  • Profile picture of the author sanjon
    I got a little over $100 for developing facebook application a year back. Framed it and since then there is no Looking back..
    that feeling was amazing though..
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    • Profile picture of the author alex.jeffreys
      I remember the day ever so well ...

      I just returned back from vacation with my girlfriend at the time (now wife)
      and i checked my clickbank account to see a $97 sale was AUTOMATICALLY made while away ...

      I did the moonwalk accross the living room ...

      ... I remember my Rottweiler's face ( )

      I was ECSTATIC !!!

      that was June 2006 - I then got into internet marketing full time and started making a full time living,

      trust me for YEARS every time i saw a new sale come into the account I would fist pump the air ( YER BOY )

      it's a little diffrent these days ...

      take yesterday for example - we did 5 figures after commissions and it was just standard practice.

      it's a shame really as i lost that feeling of excitement somewhere along the line?

      thanks for writing the thread - ya made me remember what it was like starting out and got me excited about making money again

      Alex Jeffreys
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  • Profile picture of the author funkynassau
    I did a dance around the kitchen when we got our first online order :-)

    ChipFixx custom mixed auto touchup paint kits.

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  • My first sale was an odd one as I still to this day have no idea where it came from! However when I made my first sale of my own product...

    That was an awesome day!! Unfortunately I dont have a smooth floor to do the moonwalk but my heart was certainly racing!!

    Then from there I have now quit my job and am making money from my mailing list as well as working with offline companies.

    Things have got tough and I have ridden them out and when things get tough again I will overcome the obstacles.

    Great thread, always good to look back at the start of it all!!

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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    I wonder how many people have injured themselves celebrating from a sale.

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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    I totally remember. It was for $40 from a book I sold through SFI. It was that $40 that made me realize I really can make money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author albertosm
    a couple of months ago, and it felt amazing
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
    Originally Posted by onlinebizgiant View Post

    Dear Warriors,

    Do you remember when you got your first payment through internet marketing? How did you feel? How was your weekend?
    Yep it was from Clickbank and was just over 100 bucks. I kept a photocopy of the original check and immediately deposited it and invested in a piece of PLR content (not sure what that PLR was now...but it made me more money).

    I'm all about reinvesting into my business and the more I make the more I enjoy what I's the best feeling being able to go out to dinner with awesome people and then surprise them when "no check comes" (b/c it's already taken care of).

    That's the beauty of this business.


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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Over the top.

    Went and caught up my bills.

    Then the $800 check bounced, and $700 of my checks bounced!!
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author jahangir87
    My first check was of $345 from clickbank and I can still remember that day and my joy had no bound in that day as It came after lots of hard work day and night.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pauline60
    Yes I remember it well, it was only last year. It was about £60 from Adsense and I lost count of how many times I took the cheque out of the envelope to look at it. My kids caught me taking photos of it and thought I was a total saddo.

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    How did I feel? I felt like, "I just worked how many hours to make THIS little?"

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Skinner
    It was in the form of a money order from an item I sold on Ebay.

    Don't remember what it was or exactly what the item was, I just remember I doubled my money!

    Many products followed after that. It was quite a rush. Then digital marketing came along and now I am hooked for life.....
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    • Profile picture of the author onlinebizgiant
      Originally Posted by Scott Skinner View Post

      It was in the form of a money order from an item I sold on Ebay.

      Don't remember what it was or exactly what the item was, I just remember I doubled my money!

      Many products followed after that. It was quite a rush. Then digital marketing came along and now I am hooked for life.....

      Actually my Ebay experience was not satisfactory. Thanks for sharing your experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author onlinebizgiant
    My first check was from clickbank, $100 and I was very much thrilled and excited hence it was after 6 months since I started my IM career. Since then I didn't look back. I love IM as a career.
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