Another website publishing my content but with link

29 replies

I need some advice. There is a website which has copied (word for word) ALL my original articles (80+) from one of my websites. These articles are not PLR articles but are 100% original content created by me.

The website owner has done the decent thing and added a do-follow link back to my website at the end of each article under the 'Author; section.

But is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should I ask the site owner to remove all my articles? or should I just forget about it and benefit from the extra links back to my website?

I know in the latest Panda update Google was improving duplicate content detection and devalues sites which copy content etc... but what do you think Google will really make of this? Would the links back to my site be of any value at all?

Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated

Cheers ....
#content #link #publishing #website
  • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
    Hi Gerald, just don't worry about that. There are lots of websites that do such work to stay alive on the internet. Others are not as skilled as you to create their own content.

    Google has a few ways to determine the original source, such as the page cache date.

    That other site will have less value as it's content is not original, so the link passes small value to you. To deal with it, you should interlink your posts, so when they copy the links stay there (most people are lazy to take the links out)

    Another free service is they put a link to your site when they copy any of your text.
    Tamal Anwar C.
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    • Profile picture of the author jwmann2
      Don't worry about it. You are getting free exposure. Take it as a compliment.
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      • Profile picture of the author HeySal
        Originally Posted by jwmann2 View Post

        Don't worry about it. You are getting free exposure. Take it as a compliment.
        Kewl, what's your URL and what's your PR? I'm sure you won't mind me putting up a mirror image site.

        When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
        Beyond the Path

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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by jwmann2 View Post

        Don't worry about it. You are getting free exposure. Take it as a compliment.
        Seriously ... where do all you people who think theft is a compliment come from?
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    • Profile picture of the author Azarna
      Originally Posted by tamalanwar View Post

      Hi Gerald, just don't worry about that. There are lots of websites that do such work to stay alive on the internet. Others are not as skilled as you to create their own content.
      That people really believe this is very, very worrying

      I have, a few times, caught people selling my artwork and when I have asked them to stop their reply is 'But its not fair, I can't do this stuff, and now you want to stop me making money?'

      Very, very sad.
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  • Profile picture of the author Praveen Kumar
    Hey Gerald , That wasn't a Cheezy thing because it almost like Article Syndication but here you also get some powerful backlinks from the guy website.
    So , you're really no need to worry about this problem though you might be a Good content Creator obviously your content has begun to spread to the Syndication Networks.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I personally wouldn't want him to copy without permission all of my unique content and would get it taken down.

    If that's what you decide to do, it's easy. Issue a DMCA to his host. Instructions and sample DMCA here:
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Have the articles been copied from your site, or did you submit them to an article directory? If they were on an article directory, then republishing them with your link intact is a legitimate use as that is what article directories are for.

    If you didn't submit them to article directories and ONLY published them on your own site then I'm with Suzanne - issue a DMCA notice. I have zero tolerance for lazy thieves who can't be arsed to do their own work!
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Originally Posted by netfq View Post


    I need some advice. There is a website which has copied (word for word) ALL my original articles (80+) from one of my websites. These articles are not PLR articles but are 100% original content created by me.

    The website owner has done the decent thing and added a do-follow link back to my website at the end of each article under the 'Author; section.

    But is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should I ask the site owner to remove all my articles? or should I just forget about it and benefit from the extra links back to my website?

    I know in the latest Panda update Google was improving duplicate content detection and devalues sites which copy content etc... but what do you think Google will really make of this? Would the links back to my site be of any value at all?

    Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated

    Cheers ....

    Gerald - this doesn't sound like your average thief. It sounds like someone who does not understand copyright law and is trying to be above board but is missing the facts.

    I would contact that person and let them know that it is copyright infringement. Be nice to them about it because it really and truly seems they have made a mistake and are not just evil since they linked you. If you are getting traffic from the links, you may want to extend permission for them to use some of the material and ask them to take other material down - you don't want 100% on someone else's site, but a few links don't hurt - that is why we post to article directories after all.

    I think this is a good way to go for two reasons - your own interests.........and to let the poor boob that did this know they could get in mega hot water for it if they use a source that isn't as nice about it as you were.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Burton
      Originally Posted by netfq View Post

      The website owner has done the decent thing and added a do-follow link back to my website at the end of each article under the 'Author; section.

      But is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should I ask the site owner to remove all my articles? or should I just forget about it and benefit from the extra links back to my website?
      It's up to you how you pursue this, but even if you want to extend to him permission to use your content, it would be good to make him aware of the trouble that can come from doing this. Even if you decide to be nice and make a deal with him, doesn't mean everyone he steals from will.

      Originally Posted by tamalanwar View Post

      Hi Gerald, just don't worry about that. There are lots of websites that do such work to stay alive on the internet. Others are not as skilled as you to create their own content.
      Good grief, "don't worry about it" ? "Others are not as skilled as you to create their own content" ?

      Copyright infringement can be immensely serious to both the victim (owner of the copyright) and to the culprit (if a copyright owner pursues legal action).

      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Gerald - this doesn't sound like your average thief. It sounds like someone who does not understand copyright law and is trying to be above board but is missing the facts.

      I would contact that person and let them know that it is copyright infringement. Be nice to them about it because it really and truly seems they have made a mistake and are not just evil since they linked you. If you are getting traffic from the links, you may want to extend permission for them to use some of the material and ask them to take other material down - you don't want 100% on someone else's site, but a few links don't hurt - that is why we post to article directories after all.

      I think this is a good way to go for two reasons - your own interests.........and to let the poor boob that did this know they could get in mega hot water for it if they use a source that isn't as nice about it as you were.
      I couldn't find a good spot to snip this one...

      I definitely think that telling him NICELY is the way to go. If he turns into an ***, then follow with a DMCA Notice. Even if you don't want to pursue the legal action, you are best off protecting your rights, and you're doing a favor to this person by a) not prosecuting, and b) informing them before they get into trouble with someone else.

      (and I'd probably keep an eye out to see that he doesn't pull this stunt with any of my content again, because at that point he knows that I know that he's been warned)

      My 2 cents anyway

      - = Signature on Vacation = -
      (We all need a break from what we do for a living. I thought it was time my signature got a break too)

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      • Profile picture of the author MaggieMay
        [QUOTE=Scott Burton;4864999]It's up to you how you pursue this, but even if you want to extend to him permission to use your content, it would be good to make him aware of the trouble that can come from doing this. Even if you decide to be nice and make a deal with him, doesn't mean everyone he steals from will.

        I think that given he´s given a link back to your site he doesn't realise he is doing anything wrong. Plus, I always think its better karma to first give people the benefit of the doubt. For sure get in touch with him and warn him about what he is doing. And then its up to you how you proceed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
    Originally Posted by netfq View Post

    The website owner has done the decent thing and added a do-follow link back to my website at the end of each article under the 'Author; section.
    Assuming these were not articles you added to an article directory for publication by others, the website owner has not done a "decent thing." Rather, he stole your content and used it without your permission.

    How you proceed is up to you. If you think this website owner was under the mistaken impression that he can use any content he wants so long as he includes a link back to the source, you could send him a friendly eMail informing him this is not the case and asking him to remove your content.

    If he fails to respond or if you think he should have known better, then you can hit him with a DMCA notice. If he has AdSense on his site, you could also send Google a DMCA notice as well, and get him de-indexed or maybe banned from AdSense.

    Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

    Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    It's up to you.

    If they're site is not that established then you're probably not getting any valuable link juice so you have nothing to lose by standing by your rights.

    The other thing to consider is - are you syndicating your content. If you're submitting it to other sites or via rss then it's possible that the person thought you wanted your content to be republished (lots of authors do) and thought they were helping you.

    I'd say be nice and contact them and see who they are and what they're up to. They may end up being a good partner as they're obviously trying to reach the people in your niche if they're republishing your content.


    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Gerald - this doesn't sound like your average thief. It sounds like someone who does not understand copyright law and is trying to be above board but is missing the facts.
      This ^^^ exactly ... is how it sounds to me.

      I would contact them amicably in the first instance (and expect a reply, in the circumstances) rather than starting with a DMCA notice.

      I'm an article syndicator, myself, so I wouldn't necessarily want to remove the content anyway - backlinks are backlinks, if they're on relevant sites, and you might even get some traffic, too - but this is up to you. Clearly they shouldn't have done this (unless you submitted them to an article directory), really. But it might be more beneficial than harmful.

      Up to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author JMac
    If it was me, I would find a way to make this a positive.

    I would contact the website owner and let him know I was happy he liked my articles but I didnt want to see ALL my content on his site. Let him know it is a lot of work on my end but I would be happy to share, SOME with him since he was nice enough to credit me with backlinks. Then make some kind of deal about what can use and what he cant. It would be a nice plus if he could feed more viewers to you for the additional content you had but did not share with him.

    If he wont deal, time for the smackdown, submit the DMCA as mentioned above.

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    • Profile picture of the author samrock
      good advice from JMac...
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      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
        Originally Posted by tamalanwar View Post

        Hi Gerald, just don't worry about that. There are lots of websites that do such work to stay alive on the internet. Others are not as skilled as you to create their own content.
        If "others are not as skilled", that makes it okay to infringe upon another's copyright and basically steal their hard work? I don't think so.

        Gerald, how you handle this is up to you. I agree with others that it may be a case of someone not knowing the proper thing to do but that still doesn't make it right. When you do contact them, you should be sure to point that out before they go out and snag someone's content that is not as nice as you are about it.

        I can see allowing some content to stay if the links are at all valuable but if it's a site without ranking or PR, I don't see as it will help you too terribly much. I doubt it would hurt you, either, but it's the principle of it. This person needs to learn that this is not acceptable behavior.
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        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by Tina Golden View Post

          I can see allowing some content to stay if the links are at all valuable but if it's a site without ranking or PR, I don't see as it will help you too terribly much. I doubt it would hurt you, either, but it's the principle of it. This person needs to learn that this is not acceptable behavior.
          I can buy great backlinks for pennies or a small amount of money. I cannot buy 80 unique articles for a small amount of money. I don't think it's even close to a fair trade and that he didn't ask permission makes it even worse.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingChad
    Yeah I get trackbacks like that daily with sites scraping my content. If you have that might content your authority is much higher than the infringing site anyways and Google will recognize this.
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  • Profile picture of the author atwellpub
    Full content extraction turns out to be impolite. There was a time in the beginning when copywrite was not so sacred on the internet. But it's grown to be that way (And I agree it should now that money is involved!). I remember being 15 (11 years ago) and the best sites on the net were re-packagings of other smaller sites. Those were the days.

    I think it's harmless in today's internet. It's probably even helpful, but barely. It depends on the traffic that site is getting and if it is picking up exposure that your site did not pick up originally,naturally. This can help inform people about your location. The link back might help increase authority of your post, which may help your site's authority overall; but probably not too much.

    I personally resyndicate all my content verbatum (with linkbacks) to other locations to increase the appearance of authority. These places hardly every get attention, but if they do I'll benefit. But I do not fear that the re-syndication of my content to other places sets my orignal location at risk of some kind of depreciation.

    Excerpting with link back seems to be the most polite way of going about re-syndicating, and really the only widely acceptable way... look at Google+ and Facebook. It also makes a good autuomation model for gaining readership from people who like your content source selection. But I wouldn't expect to compete for organic traffic using any re-syndication model. Left-over, second-page traffic maybe.

    Even then a superior model to the headlines model is the headlines +editorial commentary with linkback model. That's always been very strong. That's also what Google+ is turning into now.
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  • Profile picture of the author mickd
    I wouldnt worry about It. youre articles came first, the big G knows that!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Geraldm
    Thanks for all the comments and suggestions ... some really great advice there, I really appreciate it

    BTW: these 80+ articles are all unique and have never been syndicated or submitted to article directories.

    Cheers ....
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    • Profile picture of the author lovedate
      How do you let other webmasters know that contents on your website are protected by copyright
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  • Profile picture of the author stanleychong
    Hi Gerald,

    You can find some good advice from copyscape too
    Copyscape - Responding to Online Plagiarism

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  • Profile picture of the author DebB
    100% of your content copied to another site is never going to help you(irrespective of what other experts may say). In fact, that other site will gain value faster as he has 100% content from many other sites like yours and would be considered to have more content depth and diversity in the subject matter.

    Sometime back I used to submit articles in my site first(let it get indexed) and then after sometime publish the same article in article directories. In google search the link from several of the article directories appeared before the link from my site for most of the keywords.

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    • Profile picture of the author Geraldm
      Originally Posted by DebB View Post

      In google search the link from several of the article directories appeared before the link from my site for most of the keywords.

      Is this still the case even after the Goggle Panda update?

      Cheers ...
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  • Profile picture of the author SongoWP
    If it was only 1 article, I could almost see overlooking it and accept the backlink. However, 80+ articles? No way. That's just downright theft. Give him 72 hours to remedy the situation before issuing a DMCA notice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimian
    as long as he isnt making money, then enjoy the backlinks. is he running adsense or anything else though?
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Originally Posted by lovedate View Post

      How do you let other webmasters know that contents on your website are protected by copyright
      As soon as you create it, it's under copyright by default. That's the case in the US, that is - some countries may be different but I know that a lot of them follow the same rules on intellectual property as the US does.

      Isn't it just common sense and common decency to NOT take someone else's work without permission?
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