Another website publishing my content but with link
I need some advice. There is a website which has copied (word for word) ALL my original articles (80+) from one of my websites. These articles are not PLR articles but are 100% original content created by me.
The website owner has done the decent thing and added a do-follow link back to my website at the end of each article under the 'Author; section.
But is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should I ask the site owner to remove all my articles? or should I just forget about it and benefit from the extra links back to my website?
I know in the latest Panda update Google was improving duplicate content detection and devalues sites which copy content etc... but what do you think Google will really make of this? Would the links back to my site be of any value at all?
Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Cheers ....
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