submitting one article to different article directories

24 replies
Is it advisable to submit one article to different article directories because I read it somewhere that google can penalize you for duplicate contents. please I need an urgent advise on this.
#article #directories #seo #submitting
  • Profile picture of the author nadal619
    Hey , from what I know that does not consider as duplicate , you can submit one article to many article directoriesas long you are submitting unique article and you have the right to submit them .

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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Eddie
    As long as it is your article it is fine to submit it to as many article directories as you like. You will not be penalized.
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  • Profile picture of the author arabmoney
    ok! thats a good news. thanks alot guys
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    You need to use the same author name. Don't publish one under your own name and another under a pen name.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by arabmoney View Post

    I read it somewhere that google can penalize you for duplicate contents. please I need an urgent advise on this.
    That isn't "duplicate content": Article Marketers - Lay the Duplicate Content Myth To Rest Once and For All | Internet Marketing and Publishing

    Originally Posted by arabmoney View Post

    Is it advisable to submit one article to different article directories
    Not really.

    There's no downside, and no risk of "penalties" at all, but there's no real benefit either.

    Here are three threads which will explain/clarify in much more detail, if they help ...

    Note Rose's important comment just above, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author autumnsmith
    I have been into article marketing and I would say that it is advisable to distribute your article to different article directories especially to those with high PR. However, you have to be careful when distributing/submitting your articles. For instance, and Buzzle would not accept any article that has already been published. So, always submit to ezinenarticles first. Once published by ezine you may start distributing it to the rest of article directories. As long as author name and backlinks remain the same, there is no duplicate content. Duplicate content means that your website contains pages with the same content or likely similar contents.

    But if you want to distribute your articles online to over one hundred article directories, it would be best to create another version of your article.

    If you have further questions, please feel free to PM. I would be more glad to help you out.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by autumnsmith View Post

      I would say that it is advisable to distribute your article to different article directories especially to those with high PR.
      I'm afraid you're misinformed about this, cousin Autumn.

      Websites don't "have PR", and article directories are websites. Only pages have PR.

      My point is that your articles, regardless of the page rank of an article directory's home page (which is what you meant), will be published on their own, brand new, PR-0 page (just as they would be on your site or on mine, on a new page - how could it be otherwise?).

      Originally Posted by autumnsmith View Post and Buzzle would not accept any article that has already been published.
      This isn't right at all!

      EZA specifically invites and welcomes articles which have already been published. Like many article marketers, I have 1,500+ articles in EZA, and all of them had previously been published (and many in multiple places) before they were submitted to EZA.

      If you look at the many threads like this one, you'll see whole successions of expert, professional article marketers explaining at length and in detail their shared reasons for never submitting to EZA an article which hasn't already been published elsewhere.

      Posts like this one will also clarify it for you, and give a list of the explanations for this being so mistaken.

      And as for Buzzle, times have changed (actually a long time ago): it's no longer an article directory, per se, and it allows no external links at all in any material submitted there - not even in a resource box. So no article marketers are submitting there, any more.

      Originally Posted by autumnsmith View Post

      always submit to ezinenarticles first.
      This is simply dreadful advice.

      It's exactly the opposite of what one should do. This is one of the few things that can actually damage your business and your own site's SEO/rankings.

      Originally Posted by autumnsmith View Post

      Once published by ezine you may start distributing it to the rest of article directories.
      It makes absolutely no difference in which order you do this. There'd be no point at all in "waiting for EZA". This is all just completely wrong - sorry.
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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by autumnsmith View Post

      I have been into article marketing
      That's good, so have I.

      and I would say that it is advisable to distribute your article to different article directories especially to those with high PR.
      Ooops, first clanger. You certainly don't understand how PR works. :rolleyes:

      However, you have to be careful when distributing/submitting your articles. For instance, and Buzzle would not accept any article that has already been published.
      Oops and you don't read EZA's terms of service either AND Buzzle isn't a directory.

      So, always submit to ezinenarticles first.
      I'm starting to wonder if you know anything about article marketing.

      Duplicate content means that your website contains pages with the same content or likely similar contents.
      Marvellous, you understand duplicate content.

      But if you want to distribute your articles online to over one hundred article directories, it would be best to create another version of your article.
      Why over 100, not with 99? Why is it best to create "another" version?

      If you have further questions, please feel free to PM. I would be more glad to help you out.
      I think I'll be ok thanks.

      Did you just post because of the nature of the thread and your signature? Not sure you actually did yourself any favours there.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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    • Profile picture of the author goleza
      Originally Posted by autumnsmith View Post

      I have been into article marketing and I would say that it is advisable to distribute your article to different article directories especially to those with high PR. However, you have to be careful when distributing/submitting your articles. For instance, and Buzzle would not accept any article that has already been published. So, always submit to ezinenarticles first. Once published by ezine you may start distributing it to the rest of article directories. As long as author name and backlinks remain the same, there is no duplicate content. Duplicate content means that your website contains pages with the same content or likely similar contents.

      But if you want to distribute your articles online to over one hundred article directories, it would be best to create another version of your article.

      If you have further questions, please feel free to PM. I would be more glad to help you out.
      Really? I write articles that I submit to, who in turn ditribute them to other directories, including I have not seen EzineArticles refusing to publish my articles just because they have been published elsewhere.

      Secondly, one article written by the same person can be distributed to as many directories as possible. It's not a requirement that you have to change the headlines. The only principles I know are that it should an original article from you and it should be an article that has not been distributed before.
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  • Profile picture of the author Virtual Force
    Duplicate content mean work of other shown by you as it is your own. If you do this then you may be penalize but if your content belongs to you then you will not to be afraid.

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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Originally Posted by Virtual Force View Post

      Duplicate content mean work of other shown by you as it is your own. If you do this then you may be penalize but if your content belongs to you then you will not to be afraid.
      Duplicate content is not using someone else's work and using it as your own, that's called thieving.

      Respectfully, I don't think you know what duplicate content is at all.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Virtual Force View Post

      Duplicate content mean work of other shown by you as it is your own.
      You're thinking of "plagiarism", I think (and what you say is quite right, about plagiarism) ... but what you describe has absolutely nothing to do with "duplicate content" at all.
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      • Profile picture of the author cannons
        as far as the articles are unique and copyscape tested google won't penalize you.But it might be the case that the backlink will only be considered as one since only the same content is being published in different directories. Anyone comment on how the google will treat backlinks generating from the same articles??!!!!!
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by cannons View Post

          it might be the case that the backlink will only be considered as one since only the same content is being published in different directories.
          No, not so at all.

          It might be the case that only one copy will be indexed in Google's main index and the rest in the supplemental index, but that doesn't affect the contribution of their backlinks to your SEO. (It's Google's stated objective that only one copy will appear in the main index - but that's what happens only about 80% of the time, because their algorithms are far from perfect).

          Originally Posted by cannons View Post

          Anyone comment on how the google will treat backlinks generating from the same articles??!!!!!
          Exactly like the backlinks generated from different articles, of course. (Why/how would/should/could it be any different?!). This is the underlying basis of the linkjuice we article marketers get from the syndication of our work to relevant sites in the niche. Those are brilliant for SEO. In most of my niches, they're my entire SEO, in fact, and I'm top-ranking for many keywords just on that basis. So nobody can question this. (Well, they can, if they want to, but they'll doubtless get some "interesting" remarks from all those of us here whose off-page SEO is based on having our articles widely syndicated!).

          Relevance of the sites on which your backlinks appear is everything, these days. This is why blogs/sites in your niche are excellent, but article directory backlinks themselves are almost worthless.

          The linkjuice/value of a given backlink from any given page of the web doesn't vary according to whether the content to which it's attached has previously been published.

          Nor according to whether it's in the main index or the supplemental index.

          This is why, for all the reasons explained in all the threads like this one, the people who "spin" their articles are wasting their time. Sometimes they attribute the alleged SEO benefits they get to the fact that they've spun them, but the reality is that they would have had exactly the same benefits without the "spinning".

          Originally Posted by kenshin193 View Post

          Google love ezine articles so much!
          The owner of EZA doesn't think so at all, and has been saying so publicly, since the Panda update.

          EZA's regularly submitting authors don't think so, either.

          We're not using EZA for its own backlinks: they're only non-context-relevant, PR-0 backlinks, like all article directory backlinks are. This has nothing at all to do with the purpose of submitting our articles to EZA.
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  • Profile picture of the author kenshin193
    For me..I only submit it to top article directory especially ezine articles...although it is tough to get approve ...but many warriors offer service that can get you approval. Google love ezine articles so much!
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    • Profile picture of the author goleza
      Originally Posted by kenshin193 View Post

      For me..I only submit it to top article directory especially ezine articles...although it is tough to get approve ...but many warriors offer service that can get you approval. Google love ezine articles so much!
      Which top article directories do you send your articles to?
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  • Profile picture of the author CTonline09
    My advice!

    Stop worrying to much about what one expert says to another!

    Just get building back links they all count and they all help, if your doing it all manually then yes I see why you dont want to waste time.


    The methods of Google change all the time but the fudamental part stays the same and that is...?

    The more links the better!

    The more you can get exposure to your website the better so go ahead and submitt the that article to 50 top sites!

    Good luck.


    Originally Posted by arabmoney View Post

    Is it advisable to submit one article to different article directories because I read it somewhere that google can penalize you for duplicate contents. please I need an urgent advise on this.
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    • Profile picture of the author arabmoney
      thanks to you all. your answers has been very supportive
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  • Profile picture of the author Suze Thomas
    It's a good thing there's some posters on this thread that actually know about article marketing, as there's some that clearly don't. Alexa's advice on this is what I've followed and I can say it works. And EzineArticles does accept content already published elsewhere!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dinistreniad
    Woha, hold the bus!

    I'm not ashamed to say that I would have absolutely agreed with Autumn until about 5 mins ago when I read this thread.

    Even experts I've paid money to say that articles distributed to create link juice should be well spun and unique; heck, even the tools that I use to assist in the process support spinning for this very reason.

    So I'm wasting my time with spinning? Doubly so in fact as I go to quite some lengths and expense to ensure each "spin" remains grammatically and contextually correct.

    As an aside though, Hub pages, only hours ago unpublished one of my articles because it was a duplicate (spun). I'm confused, but interested...
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  • Profile picture of the author apolwar
    Originally Posted by arabmoney View Post

    Is it advisable to submit one article to different article directories because I read it somewhere that google can penalize you for duplicate contents. please I need an urgent advise on this.
    I think every article should be unique. It may have the same topic but the content and flow of thought should be worded differently.
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  • Profile picture of the author myfatcash
    Glad to find this post here. I was confused too. I wondered if I could post the same article at Ezine Articles, Articles Base and at my blog. I have found the answer here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Illuminations
    As Brad Callen stated, "Duplicate content only refers to the same article at the very same website.". So, there's nothing really to worry about.

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