The Fiverr nightmare continues

40 replies
I just want to say that due to the infamous Fiverr bug most of my Fiverr gigs are not searchable again.
This means that no body can find them via the Search function on Fiverr.
I noticed the familiar drop in sales and I knew immediately what was going on.

At first I thought the problem with non-searchable gigs is caused by the fact that my gigs have been manually paused/suspended by me before and I thought that maybe the system still sees them as suspended even when I have re-activated them later on.

However, 5 days ago I posted a brand new gig.
Apparently one that has never been manually paused/suspended by me before.
And guess what - it too is not searchable.

Another thing I noticed is that one of my gigs cannot be edited - I tried to set its duration to 1 day (so to make it "Express"), but it always returns its duration to 2 days, no matter what.
Needless to say that this gig is also totally missing from Fiver's search results, even when I search for its exact title.

I contacted the Fiverr "support" and I explained to them that my sales stopped due to my gigs becoming non-searchable, and that I am losing money because of their buggy system.
I gave them some tips on what to look for when trying to fix the problem.
All I have been hearing from them for the last 5 days is: "Be patient, our tech team is working on this issue".
Yeah, right... I am sure your f*cking team is busting their ass working on the issue... Maybe this is why the issue is not resolved?

Everybody check your gigs by doing a search for their exact names and see if they could be found by the Fiverr search engine.
Chances are that some or maybe all of your gigs just don't appear in the search results.

And you wonder why you don't have any sales... Can't sell something that can not be found, can you?

If you have the same issue, write Fiverr's "support" immediately. Hopefully, they will start working on this if enough people start complaining about it.
#continues #fiverr #nightmare
  • Profile picture of the author dbarnum
    While Fiverr works out kinks, you could focus "what works" and market yourself. Since this forum is all about Internet marketing, pick up tips all over the place here and market your own gigs - use tweets, post them on Facebook walls, use them in banners, etc. linking to your own intro page in these first. Then before you know it, you'll have plenty of orders and your own keywords / anchor text links, etc. out there for your gigs.

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    • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
      Originally Posted by dbarnum View Post

      While Fiverr works out kinks, you could focus "what works" and market yourself. Since this forum is all about Internet marketing, pick up tips all over the place here and market your own gigs - use tweets, post them on Facebook walls, use them in banners, etc. linking to your own intro page in these first. Then before you know it, you'll have plenty of orders and your own keywords / anchor text links, etc. out there for your gigs.
      I have been doing great on Fiverr without even promoting my gigs on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

      So far, I have relied only on the internal Search function on Fiverr and I have had several hundred dollars in sales.
      However, this function stopped finding my gigs!

      Now, if I start promoting my gigs on Facebook, chances are that somebody will respond to my campaigns and will order a gig or two.
      This will not solve the problem, though.
      And that problem is that the main source of leads to my gigs (Fiverr's internal Search engine) is not working for me anymore and substituting it with backlinks will not yield the same results (not to mention it will take a lot of extra work and money to build those promo campaigns, etc).

      What we have here is pretty much the same situation as having your web sites deindexed by Gooogle and losing all your organic traffic, but hoping that you can still make good money out of AdSense by spamming your links on Faceboook...
      It is just not going to work.

      Just check your gigs, guys - chances are that you may have the same problem as me, without even knowing it!
      Do a Fiverr search for the exact titles of every single one of your gigs.

      If your gigs do not appear in the search results, you have a problem!
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      • Profile picture of the author dbarnum
        I hear you, I'm just saying that there's no need to have all your search engine eggs in one basket. Search this forum for tons of free and low-cost ways to get the word out to help yourself while you await a fix. Or not. Your choice.

        Just trying to help

        Cheers (orange juice held high)!

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        • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
          Originally Posted by dbarnum View Post

          I hear you, I'm just saying that there's no need to have all your search engine eggs in one basket. Search this forum for tons of free and low-cost ways to get the word out to help yourself while you await a fix. Or not. Your choice.

          Just trying to help

          Cheers (orange juice held high)!
          I know you are trying to help and I thank you for that. I too was thinking of doing a few campaigns for my gigs... back in the good days when those gigs were not so problematic as they are today.
          However, at this stage I am way too focused on solving the problem with the non-searchable gigs to bother with anything else.
          And I once again encourage everybody to check if their gigs can be found by Fiverr's internal search engine.
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        • Profile picture of the author Centurian
          Originally Posted by dbarnum View Post

          I hear you, I'm just saying that there's no need to have all your search engine eggs in one basket. Search this forum for tons of free and low-cost ways to get the word out to help yourself while you await a fix. Or not. Your choice.

          Just trying to help

          Cheers (orange juice held high)!
          Good word for sure.

          This is exactly the challenge every entrepreneur faces. If you build your business in someone else's playground, you're at their mercy.

          We've all seen it with Google. I experienced it by relying too heavily on one bank for seven years to fund projects for one of my companies. It was a great run. But when they pulled out, they had all my marbles and had collateralized all my equity at the last minute on a non-contingent deal. So I was dead in the water. I had to fight my way out over three years of financial combat.

          We face this challenge with facebook, fiverr, and any of these platforms. If we are smart, we'll run with the bulls while they rage, but we must plan for a rainy day. Build a back-up plan and alternative streams of income while we have the cash flow to do so.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    It's time to make your own fiverr, better than before, less bugs, easy to find thread services, etc...

    The point is this will a gap so you can have chance to get money from it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    If you've got these great Fiverr gigs, why haven't you create a page about them and then put it in your signature?

    Or even included a couple in your signature?

    If you do that and then participate in the forum you'll probably get some gigs.

    Plus, why not list your services in the Warriors For Hire section of the site? You'll probably get picked up from there too.


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  • Profile picture of the author NatureGal
    I am an avid Fiverr user and follower and I haven't had any problems with them yet. Although I have heard various complaints similar to yours as well as comment abuse. I still find it to be the best such site out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    you are not losing money, you are just not making the money.

    Something new soon.

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    • Create a new username and repost your gigs. Use different titles. See if you get a different result.

      Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
      Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
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    • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
      Originally Posted by Lou Diamond View Post

      you are not losing money, you are just not making the money.
      Arnold Schwarzenegger said that during his reign as a California Governor he has lost 200 million dollars. When asked how exactly did he lose them, he replied: "I could have done many movies and I could have earned 200M. However, I chose to be a governor instead. Now I am short of those 200M and I consider this a loss."

      So, if Arnold Schwarzenegger considered it a loss. Why shouldn't I?

      All joking aside, not earning money is exactly the same as losing money.
      For example: now I am losing valuable time waiting for Fiverr to fix my gigs (which won't happen any near soon, if at all!), and time costs a lot of money.
      Actually, time is the most expensive commodity. You start wasting your time, and you'll end up broke. Think about it.
      And it sucks even more when other people (Fiverr) are wasting YOUR time and you can't do sh*t about it. It means they are making you lose your money.

      This is a philosophical dispute and is not the point of the thread, though.

      The point is that Fiverr is the only "gig" / small job site that works.
      But it's giving us so much sh*t...

      Check your gigs!
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        You are losing money because you are building a business on someone's else's platform and thus are at their mercy

        You are losing time for the same reason.

        Build your own platform instead of only tailgating. That's what people here are telling you. You can work Fiverr gigs and also build outside Fiverr and end up with a stable business. As long as your business totally depends on someone else's site, stability is an illusion.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author Elliot DeSilva

          Thanks for the tip. I will certainly check!

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        • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          You are losing money because you are building a business on someone's else's platform and thus are at their mercy

          You are losing time for the same reason.

          Build your own platform instead of only tailgating. That's what people here are telling you. You can work Fiverr gigs and also build outside Fiverr and end up with a stable business. As long as your business totally depends on someone else's site, stability is an illusion.

          I will have to disagree.
          Creating your own $5 business will get you nowhere. It is impossible to get the traffic that Fiverr gets.
          And even if by some supernatural miracle you somehow manage to get the same traffic as Fiverr, you will be competing against them...
          Not good!

          We are using Fiverr because we are using their TRAFFIC.
          That's it.
          Their humongous traffic is the only good thing they offer.

          Originally Posted by wordydiva View Post

          I'm sorry that you are being hit hard by this bug.

          In addition to trying to make another account, have you considered trying GigBux? At least you won't have all your eggs in one basket and can hopefully snag some new clients.
          Creating another account would mean to lose all of my ratings. And I have tons of reviews and ratings... don't want to lose it all.

          Regarding GigBux and the many other Fiverr clones - they are completely useless.
          They are not even remotely close to the amounts of traffic that Fiverr gets and their all time top rated gigs have between 5 and 10 orders.
          This is a joke... On Fiverr I get 5-10 orders per day.

          Check your gigs for that bloody bug!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4872452].message }}
          • The idea behind opening a new account is to test to see if there's a problem with your current one and/or the titles you're using. But hey, why try to debug the problem when you can whine about Fiverr all day long?

            All my gigs are showing up in search, as are those for tens of thousands of other people.

            BTW: Look up the definition of "Beta."

            Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
            Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4872485].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
              Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

              The idea behind opening a new account is to test to see if there's a problem with your current one and/or the titles you're using. But hey, why try to debug the problem when you can whine about Fiverr all day long?
              What makes you think that I am not trying to debug the problem and that I am only whining about it? :confused:

              I tried it all during the last 5 days - change of titles, change of description, change of duration, change of images, change of tags, etc...
              I though that changing all those things would force Fiverr to look at my gigs as of newly submitted, fresh gigs.
              I was wrong - they are still not listed in the search results.

              Oh, and did I mention that on top of all those custom "debugging" attempts that I did, I am also talking with the "support" team on a hourly basis?
              I am busting their balls really, really, hard.
              Try to guess if they care.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4872605].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author richgrad
        opportunity cost!

        Originally Posted by Bulldozer View Post

        Arnold Schwarzenegger said that during his reign as a California Governor he has lost 200 million dollars. When asked how exactly did he lose them, he replied: "I could have done many movies and I could have earned 200M. However, I chose to be a governor instead. Now I am short of those 200M and I consider this a loss."

        So, if Arnold Schwarzenegger considered it a loss. Why shouldn't I?

        All joking aside, not earning money is exactly the same as losing money.
        For example: now I am losing valuable time waiting for Fiverr to fix my gigs (which won't happen any near soon, if at all!), and time costs a lot of money.
        Actually, time is the most expensive commodity. You start wasting your time, and you'll end up broke. Think about it.
        And it sucks even more when other people (Fiverr) are wasting YOUR time and you can't do sh*t about it. It means they are making you lose your money.

        This is a philosophical dispute and is not the point of the thread, though.

        The point is that Fiverr is the only "gig" / small job site that works.
        But it's giving us so much sh*t...

        Check your gigs!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4875724].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ExRat
        Hi Bulldozer,

        Originally Posted by Bulldozer View Post

        Actually, time is the most expensive commodity. You start wasting your time, and you'll end up broke. Think about it.

        And it sucks even more when other people (Fiverr) are wasting YOUR time and you can't do sh*t about it. It means they are making you lose your money.
        Poor positioning is more important than wasting time. The best way to be able to afford to waste time/have more time to enjoy life, is to indulge in smart positioning. Think about it.

        Roger Davis

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  • Profile picture of the author wordydiva
    I'm sorry that you are being hit hard by this bug.

    In addition to trying to make another account, have you considered trying GigBux? At least you won't have all your eggs in one basket and can hopefully snag some new clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author triojobss
    Well done, it seems like you are using Fiverr well!

    Im sure the search bug will be fixed soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author SocialMediaOwls
    Sounds like now is a good time to spread your gigs across multiple micro job sites. Diversification is always key. Don't put your eggs in one basket

    Health and Fitness niche Affiliate Program | High CTR/EPC | Personal Account Manager 24/7 support

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  • Profile picture of the author seobuzz
    I think that may be the reasons why I am also not getting enough sells for my gigs!

    One thing that I noticed in Fiverr that they give too much importance on username. Like if one have username 'wordpress' and someone search for wordpress related gigs, his will show in first. That is very ridiculous!

    One suggestion, promote your gigs in signature, which many warriors are doing including me!
    Ideas and Techniques to Make Money Online
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    • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
      Originally Posted by seobuzz View Post

      I think that may be the reasons why I am also not getting enough sells for my gigs!
      You should write a message to the Fiverr "support" team.
      The more people bitch about this problem, the better the chances that they will fix it.
      I suppose the number of Fiverr providers that are affected by this glitch is far greater than just me and you.

      Originally Posted by Rob Maggs View Post

      I've been doing reviews of Fiverr gigs on my blog and the gig creators have been getting good sales as a result. I have had people approach me and offer to do work for me free in return for a review. As far as I'm concerned this is not only a great way of getting traffic to the sellers gigs but also gets me some quality work done for free.
      Would you do a review of one or more of my gigs?

      Originally Posted by Rob Maggs View Post

      I think it's just a question of getting your links out wherever you can, doing good keyword research and maybe doing some freebies and building a good reputation then you'll appear in the SERPs and you won't have to worry about the Fiverr search engine failing
      I agree that doing promotion is important. But getting cut by the main source of leads (Fiver's internal Search engine) is a huge problem. One that the Fiverr guys don't care to fix.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Maggs
    I've been doing reviews of Fiverr gigs on my blog and the gig creators have been getting good sales as a result. I have had people approach me and offer to do work for me free in return for a review. As far as I'm concerned this is not only a great way of getting traffic to the sellers gigs but also gets me some quality work done for free.

    I think it's just a question of getting your links out wherever you can, doing good keyword research and maybe doing some freebies and building a good reputation then you'll appear in the SERPs and you won't have to worry about the Fiverr search engine failing
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author bassem
    i can't withdraw my money from fiverr , did anyone face this issue ?
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    Sorry that you are having a tough time.

    fiverr itself is not relying on the search engine, I would say let them figure it out, I am sure they will at some point,

    focus on improving the gigs and try to expose your gigs more to buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    Hey Mate,

    Just checked my Fiverr gigs and they show up in the search with No drama.
    Maybe not as High as I would like but they are there.

    I've done over 400 Fiverr gigs and I find it goes in Waves, I write short ads so some weeks I get heaps of work and then nothing for a week,.

    Thanks for pointing this out to everyone that didn't know (me) I panicked but it all seems cool I did 7 gigs this weekend.

    Hope you get this resolved mate

    Are You Missing Out on an Opportunity?
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    • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
      Originally Posted by oda View Post

      Hey Mate,

      Just checked my Fiverr gigs and they show up in the search with No drama.
      Maybe not as High as I would like but they are there.
      Hi Oda, I'm glad that everything with your gigs is fine.
      I never said that all gigs from all providers on Fiverr are affected by this glitch. I think it's just a portion of all uploaded gigs that are affected, so I just wanted to warn people about this problem and to make them check their gigs to see if they are one of those that are being screwed up by the bug.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Linley
    I agree that you should stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on a solution. This is the only way to run a successful business! You will learn this someday. By finding solutions you will grow your business because this happens often in any business and you are so focused on fixing it(which you cannot do and have no control over at all) but what you can control and focus on is getting traffic to your gigs via other methods and not even worry about what fiverr is doing. Ever heard the saying: Don't put all your eggs in one basket! SO TRUE! and the same goes for traffic and depending on one source. GOOD LUCK!!
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  • Well, you are not alone. I've also noticed my gigs and username have become unsearchable on fiverr, in fact they are not even listed on fiverr, not even the new ones. I think this is going to be a major fix for them. So far, the fiverr team has not replied with a definite anwser or how they are going to fix it. I think there are many more people out there experiencing this same issue.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
      Originally Posted by realtimeprospecting View Post

      Well, you are not alone. I've also noticed my gigs and username have become unsearchable on fiverr, in fact they are not even listed on fiverr, not even the new ones. I think this is going to be a major fix for them. So far, the fiverr team has not replied with a definite anwser or how they are going to fix it. I think there are many more people out there experiencing this same issue.
      This is exactly what we are talking about here. Keep bugging the Fiverr "support" team about the problem.
      The more of us write them about this issue, the bigger the chances that they will fix it.

      @Mike Linley, thanks man. I hear what you're saying and eventually I will start building campaigns for promoting my gigs.
      I don't disagree with you at all - having many traffic sources to your gigs is always good!
      But I will once again use the Google analogy: when your gigs on Fiverr become non-searchable, it is the same thing as having your web sites deindexed by Gooogle - you can still generate some traffic and earn some money from AdSense by spamming your links on Faceboook and Twitter but it is not going to be the same as before you've lost your Google traffic.

      In my case Fiverr's internal search engine was a very good source of traffic and orders.
      I was getting between 5 and 10 orders per day. That's $40 on a good day - more than 90% of people earn from their micro niche sites in a month.
      I am very sceptical if a campaign on Facebook will yield the same results for me and be worth the time, the effort and the money.
      Plus I don't have the time to build Facebook campaigns on a daily basis. This would eat-up my whole day. I never needed to build any campaigns before I got affected by that Fiverr bug anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author felborfm88
    I'll have to keep an eye out for this problem.....didn't think this would actually happen on a site like Fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoproductions
    i have a problem with fiverr i can't withdraw my earnings.Anyone knows sth.?
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  • Profile picture of the author Bulldozer
    I just want to say that I *think* that the problem with my gigs has been fixed.
    I can search for my gigs OK now.
    This does not mean that yours are OK too! So don't forget to do a check.
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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    My Gigs keep coming and going,
    I get no orders for a week then a flood for a few days then nothing again for 2 weeks then another flood.

    Its a pain in the butt.

    I do not promote gigs at all either, i rely on the internal search function as my gigs are pretty low competition.
    I've made over $1800 without any promotion other than an announcement on a blog i was doing work on fiverr back in February and a side bar widget.

    Its by no means a main source of income it just keeps me polished on my short ad writing skills, as the variety I get asked to write is incredible. Its PAID Training and that works for me.

    I have just learned to put up with the search BUG surely it will be squashed One day.......

    Are You Missing Out on an Opportunity?
    AGED .COM Domains $37 Each or make offer from $9 Grab a Bargain HERE
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  • Profile picture of the author sekhar203
    Originally Posted by Bulldozer View Post

    I just want to say that due to the infamous Fiverr bug most of my Fiverr gigs are not searchable again.
    This means that no body can find them via the Search function on Fiverr.
    I noticed the familiar drop in sales and I knew immediately what was going on.

    At first I thought the problem with non-searchable gigs is caused by the fact that my gigs have been manually paused/suspended by me before and I thought that maybe the system still sees them as suspended even when I have re-activated them later on.

    However, 5 days ago I posted a brand new gig.
    Apparently one that has never been manually paused/suspended by me before.
    And guess what - it too is not searchable.

    Another thing I noticed is that one of my gigs cannot be edited - I tried to set its duration to 1 day (so to make it "Express"), but it always returns its duration to 2 days, no matter what.
    Needless to say that this gig is also totally missing from Fiver's search results, even when I search for its exact title.

    I contacted the Fiverr "support" and I explained to them that my sales stopped due to my gigs becoming non-searchable, and that I am losing money because of their buggy system.
    I gave them some tips on what to look for when trying to fix the problem.
    All I have been hearing from them for the last 5 days is: "Be patient, our tech team is working on this issue".
    Yeah, right... I am sure your f*cking team is busting their ass working on the issue... Maybe this is why the issue is not resolved?

    Everybody check your gigs by doing a search for their exact names and see if they could be found by the Fiverr search engine.
    Chances are that some or maybe all of your gigs just don't appear in the search results.

    And you wonder why you don't have any sales... Can't sell something that can not be found, can you?

    If you have the same issue, write Fiverr's "support" immediately. Hopefully, they will start working on this if enough people start complaining about it.
    this was happen to me also but again i came back to the earlier position putting some effort promoting my gigs...fiverr is a excellent place for sellers as-well as for some forum posting and some things like will definitely get traffic to your gigs...

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