Can someone recommend a blogging program?

11 replies
I am new to blogging. I am looking for a great program that explains blogging, how to find niche markets, SEO, Wordpress, Adsense all in one.

I have purchased "sub par" programs in the past. I have no problem investing into the right product.

I would appreciate any suggestions anyone may have.
#bloging #program #recommend
  • Profile picture of the author madscots
    I see you are War Room Member, that right there is one of your best resources. The search function on this forum works really well. Just search and read the posts on this forum and you can save yourself tons of money by not having to buy any programs.

    I mean seriously, if you haven't figured out that WF is the one of best resources on the web, well... And remember it's all free, and if you don't understand something there are people here that are more than willing to answer questions.

    As to what you're looking for, wordpress, SEO, blogging, Adsense,, I would recommend that you pick one subject at a time, otherwise you will start to suffer from information overload. (This puts me in mind of a subject for a blog post).

    Hope this all helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author CoachMikeH
    Lynn Terry offers great products on blogging and SEO, niche markets, etc. She is one of the best and has high integrity. Love her stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Wordpress is the best blogging platform, IMO. The purpose of blogging is to create content that will rank for your keywords and drive traffic to your blog and your offers. There are different types of blogs that you can create.

    Many people create a "review" site or blog, where they review products. I don't use that approach, but a lot of people do.

    Then there's informational types of blogs that attract people who are looking for a solution to the problem and you have a lot of information on the blog that attracts them. These types of blogs usually have an info product being sold from the site that offers a solution. This could be an affiliate offer or if you're knowledgeable enough about the niche, you could create your own product.

    SEO... I just outsource that. It's very time consuming to get backlinks if you do it all yourself.

    Finding niche markets that are profitable involves keyword research to find niches that are searched for, but have a lower amount of competition so that you can easily rank for your keywords. When you do keyword research, keep in mind that you'll want to find the best product to go along with that niche. A good keyword without a good product is pretty worthless, so keep that in mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    WordPress is hands down the best blogging platform around. It's easy to use and very customizable. As for a program, I was a complete newbie 3 months ago and now I consider myself an expert. I made my site myself and I know how to effectively market it. You can check my site out on my signature area if you like. As for the program, you can check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author Tommy Smith
    The best blogging platform is Wordpress. It is user friendly.
    Wholesale Crystal Beads – The best place to buy
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    Wordpress hand down. They have a lot of SEO functions...I mainly learned how to use wordpress by viewing YouTube videos on step by step tutorials on how to make your blog more SEO friendly as well as a lot of trial and error:rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author mileagedriver
    Wordpress is good but try with posterous also. It drives more visitors than wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt B
    Hi Ryan-

    Like others have said wordpress is the way to go.

    As far as a program, take a look at Wordpress Plugin Secrets

    Matt B
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Sterling
    Thanks Ron. That is right, I am familiar with all the platforms. I am looking for a program that explains how to find a niche, use Wordpress and get SEO.

    I found a great program on clickbank called 43 Blogging Tutorials. So far so good.
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