Is Social Bookmarking Over Rated?
I am talking about using some kind of automatic bookmarking service/software. There is no way I way I would do it manually
I just don't think Social Bookmarking traffic converts. People say to bookmark to get your site indexed but I can get mine indexed quickly by submitting my RSS feeds
I can see value in bookmarking to digg and propeller maybe...but to submit them to all of the other sites?..even with software?? I am not sure
I know I will get some back links...but is it worth getting a piece of software and spending the time adding tags and writing descriptions to your bookmarks? I found it to be just one more thing to do which didn't pay dividends
Any opinions on this?
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Your opinion of yourself becomes your reality. If you have all these doubts, then no one will believe in you and everything will go wrong. If you think the opposite, the opposite will happen. Itâs that simple.-Curtis Jackson- 50 Cent
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