How and Where to Buy Forums?

6 replies
Hi Everyone,

I read an interesting (great) post by Caleb about starting your own forum. Instead of using 'fake' forum posters he suggested to buy a forum from a similar niche and merging it.

Sounds like a logical idea to me but does anyone know a good source of where to find forums, community sites or discussion boards for sale?

My particular niche is in the metaphysical arena (spirituality, intuition, laws of the universe, love and relationships, etc.).

Thanks all,
#buy #community sites #discussion boards #forum #forums
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Flippa would be the most likely place to find them
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  • Profile picture of the author sakthiganesh
    Try or
    You can find more sites by doing a simple Google search.

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  • Profile picture of the author Core Freedom
    Thanks so much, tried them, have been watching, but nothing that is in my category (spirituality, love, laws of the universe type forum).

    Does anyone know of a forum or a good way to get a qualified membership list which may be for sale?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Webb
    If you've got money to spend, why not approach blogs in the niche and offer advertising / sponsorship?

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    • Profile picture of the author Dr Joe
      Originally Posted by Chris Webb View Post

      If you've got money to spend, why not approach blogs in the niche and offer advertising / sponsorship?
      I would also do this, sure should be some forum owners interested...
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  • Profile picture of the author Art Peterson
    I learned the same thing from Caleb about forums. I would private message him.

    He has always been helpful when I have had questions.

    Forums aren't my thing but here is digitalpoint

    try digitalpoint as well.


    See How I'm Making Money Arthur Peterson

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