Anyone know of a good source for images?

48 replies
I would like to purchase a 400- 500 images/clipart relating to the health niche and was wondering if anyone has come across a resource that sells something like this without me having to pay $2 per image.

I know I can get a monthly subscription at but I would rather purchase and download a file of images immediately - rather than download individual images like a madman for a month.

Anyone have any ideas?
#good #images #source
  • Profile picture of the author RAMarketing
    Check out your local electronics store, they usually have programs which thousands of images for like $10
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    • Profile picture of the author snapper
      Originally Posted by RAMarketing View Post

      Check out your local electronics store, they usually have programs which thousands of images for like $10
      Thanks - that is something I would never of thought of doing... I will check them out.
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    • Profile picture of the author sadiecopywriter
      Originally Posted by RAMarketing View Post

      Check out your local electronics store, they usually have programs which thousands of images for like $10
      Don't do that. If you read their license carefully, you'll see most of them say you can't use those images on something to resell.

      That means NO using them for clients or websites that you're planning to flip. Also you can't use them in ebooks. (I almost got in trouble taking this kind of advice.)

      Those collections are for personal use only about 90% of the time. Stay away from them.

      You need something that says 'royalty free' because that usually means you can resell it. is great because their license says you can use them on item to resell. Get a yearly license. Usually you're paying 50% less for it than you would if you buying it month by month. And after your subscription runs out you can still use all the ones you downloaded.

      You can also find royalty free images on ebay, but don't be fooled into buying something from the electronics store. Ask to see what exactly that license says.

      Need Free & Legal images for your books & blogs?
      Check out the FREE Little Black Book of Royalty Free Images.

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      • Profile picture of the author snapper
        Originally Posted by sadiecopywriter View Post

        You can also find royalty free images on ebay, but don't be fooled into buying something from the electronics store. Ask to see what exactly that license says.
        Thanks sadiecopywriter - I stumbled across the cd's on ebay yesterday and if I could just find the right category - it would be exactly what I am looking for. You can get around 1000 images for about $10 on a cd delivered.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    You either want clipart or manufacturer-produced images of their products.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author snapper
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      You either want clipart or manufacturer-produced images of their products.
      I just want images to add to articles to jazz them up a bit. so if I was writing an article on spectacles then I would add a picture of some spectacles or a person wearing glasses.

      I am not looking for specific product images - just general images and therefore would like to purchase a 'file' of images.
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      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by snapper View Post

        I just want images to add to articles to jazz them up a bit. so if I was writing an article on spectacles then I would add a picture of some spectacles or a person wearing glasses.

        I am not looking for specific product images - just general images and therefore would like to purchase a 'file' of images.

        For general images, clipart is fine, if you don't mind the hand-drawn appearance.

        But don't forget that manufacturers want their products to be seen. As such, most of the manufacturer-created images will be available for use also.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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        • Profile picture of the author snapper
          Originally Posted by tpw View Post

          For general images, clipart is fine, if you don't mind the hand-drawn appearance.

          But don't forget that manufacturers want their products to be seen. As such, most of the manufacturer-created images will be available for use also.
          Thanks Bill, I was kinda hoping there was someone who had 500 images in a file that they sold as a whole. I guess I am being lazy and don't want to spend time at Clipart downloading individual images.
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  • Profile picture of the author IanGreenwood
    Why don't you try the Creative commons resources on Flickr. The licence allows you to use the images for commercial purposes so long as you mention the source and original author.

    This is the link

    Flickr photos or video with a Creative Commons Attribution License


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    • Profile picture of the author TheDefiled
      Be careful using just any picture as you can get in big trouble. I recommend as they have royalty free images. Or you can alternatively use istockphoto but they are paid.
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      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by TheDefiled View Post

        Be careful using just any picture as you can get in big trouble. I recommend as they have royalty free images. Or you can alternatively use istockphoto but they are paid.


        To the OP: you can buy CD's with clipart on them. In some cases, you can contact manufacturers to get CD's with the pictures of their products on them.
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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        • Profile picture of the author TheDefiled
          Originally Posted by tpw View Post


          To the OP: you can buy CD's with clipart on them. In some cases, you can contact manufacturers to get CD's with the pictures of their products on them.
          Yeah I know about that story. It's just a mishap which is a big one yes, but happens often? Definitely not.
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      • Profile picture of the author snapper
        Thanks everyone for your replies...

        I have used istock previously but you have to pay $1 - 2 per image. You can get a week/month/year subscription from clipart and they have a great range but I really just want a folder sitting on my hard drive full of images that I can legitimately use.

        I am acutely aware of using images that are legit and so I don't want to start using images from google images and then get into copyright hot water later down the track.

        I just thought there may be a company that offered x number of images in a file for $10, $20 or whatever the cost may be so that I can have them sitting on my hard drive and available whenever I need another image.
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    If you are promoting products from a company ask if you can use their images. This is usually free.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author uumair
    for free images google search for sure, provided it match your requirement.
    Search on torrents you might find images from there.
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    • Profile picture of the author razorhound
      Originally Posted by uumair View Post

      for free images google search for sure, provided it match your requirement.
      Search on torrents you might find images from there.
      Seriously OP mentioned that he doesn't want to deal with copyright issue.
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    • Profile picture of the author RAMarketing
      Originally Posted by uumair View Post

      for free images google search for sure, provided it match your requirement.
      Search on torrents you might find images from there.
      This is terrible advice. In both cases you are probably committing copyright infringement and possibly theft (in the case of torrents).
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      • Profile picture of the author snapper
        LOL - don't think I will be visiting the torrent sites for my images.

        If I wanted to go down the dodgy route I would head over to google images but I want to do this legit.

        I know the graphic designers have a large file of images and I would like to find a 'mini me' version of that.

        I want to be able to write an article and have a file of images that I can quickly access on my hard drive and pull a couple of those images and insert into my article to jazz it up a bit.
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      • Profile picture of the author issac
        Originally Posted by RAMarketing View Post

        This is terrible advice. In both cases you are probably committing copyright infringement and possibly theft (in the case of torrents).
        Not necessarily, you can do an advanced search and select only images licensed for re-use or commercial re-use...
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        • Profile picture of the author snapper
          Originally Posted by issac View Post

          Not necessarily, you can do an advanced search and select only images licensed for re-use or commercial re-use...
          Thanks issac - How 'safe' is a person who uses a google image which is labeled commercial re-use?

          I am not going to have Isaac the attorney knocking on my door wanting to take the keys to my house am I?
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    This isn't really clipart, but it's a good resource for free stock photography -

    stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site
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  • Profile picture of the author astralnexus
    You could try I you want to use royalty free images and not pay for them. I started using their service in one of my eBooks I was developing.
    They have the following guidelines on most of their images, which are the following (written in the terms and conditions on the site):

    General premise

    • If you use a free version of an Image you must acknowledge the Image creator and This is mandatory and forms part of the user agreement. We insist on this because it is a fair way of rewarding the Contributor who has kindly offered their work to you at no charge
    • If you purchase the Image acknowledgement is optional.

    They also have a large database of images, too. And good quality stuff. Its the only site I've really come across that gives you a free option for using royalty free images in your digital products
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    You should take a camera and visit your local health spa, healthstore, or gym. I'm sure you can great plenty of great health related shots there
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    This site is good:

    Free Photos - Free Images - Royalty Free Photos - Free Stock Photos -

    If you don't want to pay you need to give attribution but might be an option for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Google Images. Right Click. Save File As, re name as your own. If your using them on your site just reference where you got it from. Kind of like a research paper. Do you remember doing those?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
      Originally Posted by aduttonater View Post

      Google Images. Right Click. Save File As, re name as your own. If your using them on your site just reference where you got it from. Kind of like a research paper. Do you remember doing those?
      Good luck with this when you grab a Getty Images pic. That reference you gave will get you nothing. The use, however, will get you sued.

      The research paper analogy is an apples to oranges comparison on many levels. Proper notation is an academic means of deterring plagiarism. Getting permission/paying for use of someone's work for commercial purposes is a deterrent from getting sued.

      Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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      • Profile picture of the author Robin3972

        I bought a CD a few years ago at Radio Shack, Staples or The Source and still use it once in a while. It was from a company called Cosmi and the CD was Print Perfect Clip Art Deluxe. It has thousands of different kinds of clip art and photos which I've used in ink and paper newsletters and brochures as well as for online stuff like websites and videos.

        I did a search a moment ago at their site and this CD is not available anymore. But, they have another one available that looks really good called "Stationery, Brochures and more"

        You can find that CD here Stationery, Brochures and moreâ„¢

        Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author nadal619
    Istockphoto , Dreamstime , dreamstime have lower price .

    good luck

    Learn How to make $194.24/Day By Selling on eBay , Click here

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  • Profile picture of the author John Redlinger
    I have found a number of sites that offer both free and paid images that can be used at the searcher's descretion. Obviously, the images that are charged for are superior in both size and detail. Try google or any of the other search engines.

    FREE ebook reveals up to date SEO strategies--no opt-in required-- Just take my (short) survey--Click Here Now

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  • Profile picture of the author inventorysoft - vast database and cheaper than istockphoto
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  • Profile picture of the author ButterflyGarden
    Photo Wizard is $.99 per image or you can purchase an unlimited subscription see Royalty Free Stock Photos for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebizstore23
    check bing or google images, but make sure you are not violating any copyright rules
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  • Profile picture of the author BudgetSEO
    Let me Secure your wordpress website for the price of a small Pizza
    Weather Balloons Election Supplies
    If you need the ''cheapest'' quote, don't waste your time contacting me.
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  • Profile picture of the author londoncoffee
    Flickr seems like a good bet if you choose 'commercial use' on the advanced search. I'm looking for quality images to add to web design templates for sale (PSD's and HTML) but it's real hard finding the right license. Photodune is a good stock image seller, but seems like there's a grey area when it comes to wanting images for web templates as their neither printed nor software, and they won't answer questions on licensing - weird!
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  • Profile picture of the author lkpub
    My favorite resource is stockxchnge (stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site)... you'll quickly find something you can use there... just read the licensing and special requirements first... some photographers request credit and notification... most don't however... all are royalty free...

    Public Domain images are always free to use altho you may have to search a little more for what you need... my favorite public domain resource I'm amazed at some of the photos I find there...

    Hope this helps...
    Linda =]
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  • Profile picture of the author SheridanMelrose
    I used MorgueFile (morgueFile free photos for creatives by creatives). Free, easy.

    Sheridan Melrose

    My Twitter

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