Promote classifieds site from scratch??

7 replies
Hi, everybody, I just launched a new classifieds site : Handyloft | Stuff, Pets, Houses, Services…list free ads!
But almost no content on it, I need advice on how to attract people to post on site, any suggestions I'd be very appreciate~~
#classifieds #promote #scratch #site
  • Profile picture of the author EzyTrader
    I would like to know some strategies on doing this myself.

    Nice site BTW... what software are you using?
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    • Profile picture of the author jackie2011ws
      Originally Posted by EzyTrader View Post

      I would like to know some strategies on doing this myself.

      Nice site BTW... what software are you using?
      Classipress theme actually
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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    I understand that some forum or classified site operators (particularly site flippers) will seed their sites using paid contributes or scraped content, you might check for scraper scrips, I believe the indirect reply links many sites use make scraping complicated.

    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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  • Profile picture of the author innoju
    How do promote classifieds site from the scratch,as a beginner? i find it difficult,
    some site don't allow links .
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  • Profile picture of the author Dev malik
    You can do some social media asking people to place ads on your site. You need to proper SEO for your site. As once it ranks well in the search engines then the traffic flow will automatically increase and people will start posting ads on it. you just need to focus on creating links for your site.
    You can take ideas from this site. This has a huge visitors database.
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    • Profile picture of the author jackie2011ws
      Originally Posted by Dev malik View Post

      You can do some social media asking people to place ads on your site. You need to proper SEO for your site. As once it ranks well in the search engines then the traffic flow will automatically increase and people will start posting ads on it. you just need to focus on creating links for your site.
      You can take ideas from this site. This has a huge visitors database.
      Definetely, at first I tried to buy traffic and did a little bit adwords, but not much effect . SEO is the key point, I'm trying to find a good seo service in this forum...
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  • Profile picture of the author EzyTrader
    I'm in the middle of setting up a classifieds site myself only mine wont be free.
    I think i may have to offer some free ads to start with just to get the ball rolling.

    One idea i had was to just cold call (in person) some car yards and pet shops, maybe some second hand dealers and offer them free ads for the first month jut to get the ball rolling and get some content.

    Is there anyone out there that has some tried and tested strategies?
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