Data mining project - input wanted

2 replies
Hello all,

I'm about to embark on a huge data mining project that will take about 3,000 orders from the past few months and input the following data:

- order #
- traffic source (drilled down to specific PPC campaigns, etc)
- trigger email that caused the purchase (if applicable)
- days elapsed from opt-in to sale
- # of follow-up emails from opt-in to sale
- if someone bought without opting in (there are more of these than I thought)

In addition I want to add in details from specific autoresponder and broadcast emails including:

- open rate
- # sent
- whether text or html email
etc etc.....

...with an ultimate goal of looking at which individual traffic sources and AdWords campaigns respond best to which combination of tactics. In other words, based on what I find out, I can start sending each traffic source to its own email follow-up series.

I know that I can input either set of data separately into a spreadsheet app like Excel and generate charts but the issue I'm having is how to I cross-reference both sets of data to generate the end result I'm looking for.

Is there a way to do this in Excel without hurting my brain or am I needing a more robust database app like FileMaker?

#data #input #mining #project #wanted
  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Frank, unless you have some affinity for slicing and dicing a database, you may want to drop into the statistics department at your local college and ask the department head if they have a student who can handle the project. Present the puzzle to a statistics major in the upper division, or perhaps a grad student.

    As a second option, you might find someone who can diddle the data for you in the computer science department.

    If nothing else, they may be able to write you some add-ons for extracting specific datasets...
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Rosenbaum
    Is there a common field that you can do a DLOOKUP on? PM me if you need help.

    Steve Rosenbaum - The Back End Specialist
    Legally Extract Facebook User Data into Your Database

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