Not able to subscriber War Room Subscription via Paypal

14 replies
Hello Warriors,
I have a verified paypal account i also have funds in Paypal. But when i tried to subscribe war room membership, paypal is asking me to link credit card with my paypal account to complete transaction. I don't have credit card & as per Indian govn. rule i can not make online international transactions via debit card so i can't link my debit card as well.

Can some one please help me and let me know how can i solve this issue and purchase war room subscription via paypal as i already have funds in paypal.

#paypal #room #subscriber #subscription #war
  • Profile picture of the author apoorv.parijat
    Originally Posted by ajaykt View Post

    Hello Warriors,
    I have a verified paypal account i also have funds in Paypal. But when i tried to subscribe war room membership, paypal is asking me to link credit card with my paypal account to complete transaction. I don't have credit card & as per Indian govn. rule i can not make online international transactions via debit card so i can't link my debit card as well.

    Can some one please help me and let me know how can i solve this issue and purchase war room subscription via paypal as i already have funds in paypal.

    You can't.

    You'll have to use a credit card w/ Paypal or I've used 2Checkout however for several payments via a debit card and they all went through.

    With PayPal funds though, unless you have added a credit card, it's impossible to purchase anything. In fact, PayPal funds are auto withdrawn daily for us. So, if that is enabled for you, whatever funds you have will be withdrawn in a day or two!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ajay Tiwari
      Originally Posted by apoorv.parijat View Post

      You can't.

      You'll have to use a credit card w/ Paypal or I've used 2Checkout however for several payments via a debit card and they all went through.

      With PayPal funds though, unless you have added a credit card, it's impossible to purchase anything. In fact, PayPal funds are auto withdrawn daily for us. So, if that is enabled for you, whatever funds you have will be withdrawn in a day or two!
      I have a business account with paypal. And i think auto withdrawal is enabled for me. I just made withdrawal from Fiverr to my paypal account to purchase war room membership but above issue is irritating me.

      But i had purchased domain names from my paypal account few months before without any issue. I don't know how that happened but purchase was done successfully.

      DO you know any other options where credit card is not required because if there is no way there will be no option for me, except applying for credit card.
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  • Profile picture of the author xohaibx

    Since you're from India, there's no other way round this problem.

    According to the recent changes PayPal made, you cannot use your available funds to make any payments.

    Adding a credit to your account is the only option.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    cant you he get a virtual credit card? I'd at least look into that.
    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ajay Tiwari
    This means i can not buy anything or make online payments out of india if i don't have credit card..... Is that the thing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ajay Tiwari
    Anyone have ever used Entropay. As suggested by Anthony above i tried to find VCC(Virtual Credit Card) providers for indians. And i found Entropay which is a prepaid Virual Credit Card and allows you to upload funds via your indian debit card and then you can use Entropay's Virtual Credit card at any place where credit card is required. I found many interesting reviews also many peoples are successfully using Entropay's Virtual Credit card.

    I immediately created account with Entropay. But before uploading funds to my Entropay Virtual Credit Card i want suggestions from you guys if you have used Entropay.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    I wonder, if you send the 37 dollars to me, and then you give me the link to pay, would I be able to order it for you?

    Or would I have to be logged in to your account..?

    I think I might have to be logged in to your account.

    Oh well, only thing I can think of that might work, is to get one of those prepaid cards from Walmart (if they have Walmart over there) and then link that prepaid card to your PP account. That's what I did.

    They will give you the bank name & routing number and all that stuff, under the "get your tax refund fast" tab. Then you just use that info as if it were a bank account (because it pretty much is)

    They deposit 2 small amounts on to your card, then once it shows up on the transaction history you can get those 2 amounts and enter them in PP to confirm.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ajay Tiwari
      Originally Posted by Whos That Guru View Post

      I wonder, if you send the 37 dollars to me, and then you give me the link to pay, would I be able to order it for you?

      Or would I have to be logged in to your account..?

      I think I might have to be logged in to your account.

      Oh well, only thing I can think of that might work, is to get one of those prepaid cards from Walmart (if they have Walmart over there) and then link that prepaid card to your PP account. That's what I did.

      They will give you the bank name & routing number and all that stuff, under the "get your tax refund fast" tab. Then you just use that info as if it were a bank account (because it pretty much is)

      They deposit 2 small amounts on to your card, then once it shows up on the transaction history you can get those 2 amounts and enter them in PP to confirm.
      Thanks for suggestion but in india we don't have Walmart. And i want a good solution for long term .. yes it is true that i can upgrade my account by sending funds to your or any persons account who would upgrade my account but i can't be dependent on someone for my every online transactions.

      But thanks for your help.

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      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
        Originally Posted by ajaykt View Post

        Thanks for suggestion but in india we don't have Walmart. And i want a good solution for long term .. yes it is true that i can upgrade my account by sending funds to your or any persons account who would upgrade my account but i can't be dependent on someone for my every online transactions.

        But thanks for your help.


        It just occured to me that you should be able to buy a virtual credit card and purchase the War Room membership using, completely bypassing Paypal.

        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
        - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick
    You can hire someone on Odesk or Freelancer, and get the subscription.

    You can change the password to a temporary one, and change it when its done.

    Going through freelance sites, there are very few chances of being cheated.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Have you contacted the help desk and asked if there is a way around this?

      According to the recent changes PayPal made, you cannot use your available funds to make any payments.
      The changes at Paypal were to comply with the newest regulations imposed by the bank in India.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ajay Tiwari
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        Have you contacted the help desk and asked if there is a way around this?

        The changes at Paypal were to comply with the newest regulations imposed by the bank in India.
        Kay, In India all Banks work under the rules and regulations of Reserve Bank of India. And Paypal have made changes for all Indian Accounts as per the regulations of Reserve Bank of India which applies to every Bank in India. And what i found is there is no option other than using Credit Card.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez

    I've done this with other people in your exact situation. One work around is that I can pay for an additional War Room memebership for you. I'll contact the Help Desk and tell them to transfer it to you so you'll have access. This has been done with sponsorships in the past. You can pay me after you've gained access so that you have peace of mind.

    If you want to do it this way send me a Private Message.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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