Mobile Apps for the Internet Marketer

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So this idea just came to me.
I operate a business that creates mobile apps for small businesses. Now that the infrastructure is in place I can have them made and coded quite quickly.

I got to thinking about expansion, as I operate online and offline and the though of providing an app for IM'ers came to me!

We all know it is about list building in this industry, and that is what our apps are geared to do, we build lists through social media and mobile integration.

The IM'er can easily get thousands of mobile users to download their apps, simply by sending a link or QR code out to their lists/facebook fans/followers.

Features that would be beneficial to the IMer are:
HTML5 webpage that is mobile friendly,
Opt-in pop-up.
coupon codes
Mobile merchant account (Sell your products to your mobile customers instantly!)

and most importantly


Push notifications can immediately alert your users of your newest WSO or other product. How many emails on your list are secondary emails that people use to opt-in to offers? Well, this now gets around that with push notifications. Push notifications can instantly alert the user, no matter where he or she is, of your new offer. Pump it up and enough and they will stop whatever they are doing and buy your product! You the IM'er have now entered the world of Mobile Internet Marketing, or MIM.

I want your feedback on this warriors, what do you think?
What other features or opportunities could this bring the standard IM'er out there?
#apps #internet #marketer #mobile

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