What Do You Aspire to Be as an Internet Marketer?

by Mark Andrews Banned
4 replies
What do you aspire to be as an Internet marketer?

What sort of name do you want to carve out for yourself?

Do you want to be the next big hotshot marketing 'guru' or...

...are you content to just carry on as you are?

Where do you aspire to be in this marketing industry 1 year,
2 years, 3 years, 5 years from now?

What do you aspire to be?
#aspire #internet #internet marketer #marketer
  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

    What do you aspire to be as an Internet marketer?

    What sort of name do you want to carve out for yourself?

    Do you want to be the next big hotshot marketing 'guru' or...

    ...are you content to just carry on as you are?

    Where do you aspire to be in this marketing industry 1 year,
    2 years, 3 years, 5 years from now?

    What do you aspire to be?
    oOo pick me, pick me!!!!!

    I'm the Inner Hero Marketer.

    That's what I aspire to be. Long long *loooong* story there that some year I'll write up.

    I will be known as the ethical marketer who focuses on being able to look at the person in the mirror at the end of the day and be proud of whom you see looking back.

    I will be known as the ethical marketer who refuses to promote affiliate products if they're lies (I've done that already on my professional FB profile).

    I will be known as the ethical marketer who refuses to accept whining. My gosh, if I could get thru having my teeth kicked in 2 months ago...anyone can. I recently had someone in my Inner Hero Marketing group ask for help and then systematically shoot down every suggestion. Forget that cr*p. Yes it's tough but also yes...you *own* your own successes or failures.

    I will be known as the ethical marketer who contacts the person on her list who always buys everything I promote....but ends up not doing anything with it. (I'm doing that today; I've just noticed that pattern and while I love receiving money, mind you, there's definitely a disconnect if the person buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and buys and doesn't *do* anything with it).

    That being said, during the past week I've been answering questions here online, I've noticed there are bunches of fantastic ethical marketers here....so I'll also be known as the ethical marketer who works with ethical marketers!

    Well, you *did* ask.......
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  • Profile picture of the author ernestrategos
    1. Make a full time leveraged living creating value with products and services delivered trough the internet. (Passive, recurring income business models preferred, though services will be done to keep myself sharp, more than just for the money)

    2. Offline sales - Focus on the sales process myself and have a highly leveraged and always improving workflow of my own time, outsourcing and automation in this area.

    3. Learning (It's #3, though it's more of an umbrella for the previous points and perhaps the most important part; money being a (nice) way to keep score).
    In a period of 5 years from now dominate web design/development and the various e-marketing disciplines (Even if I don't do the work myself, keep a separate learning curriculum that could or not be related to my businesses or services.)
    Everything is related by the internet marketing thread, therefore even if it's extensive and sometimes stretched it's cohesive; therefore singleness of purpose is achieved.
    This will allow me to progressively create and execute better strategies because of the intricacies of connections, leading to better systems thinking. (And hopefully much more money)

    4. Leverage my knowledge and involvement in other fields, to bring more creativity and value to my work. Instead of working inside a box have all the universe to play with.
    To create, to have fun, develop myself to the fullest, to explore, to meet fellow travelers and last but not least as one of many mediums to live in the present engaging in delivering the best I can do with each little task.
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  • Profile picture of the author CC
    Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

    What do you aspire to be as an Internet marketer?

    What sort of name do you want to carve out for yourself?

    Do you want to be the next big hotshot marketing 'guru' or...

    ...are you content to just carry on as you are?

    Where do you aspire to be in this marketing industry 1 year,
    2 years, 3 years, 5 years from now?

    What do you aspire to be?

    Hello Mark Andrews, first off I aspire to honesty, telling it like it is, and not beating around the bush.

    I want to be a marketer that people will come to for answers and if I don't know the answer I will use my skills and experience to research and find the answer.

    I have no aspirations to become a "big shot guru", I just want to be me ..quietly doing my thing. Being a big shot sounds like you need a extra large hat, and I don't like hats.

    I do some thing different every now and then so I don't roll along staying the same. I'm always learning, testing and tweaking.

    In 3, 5 or more years I want to be still doing what I like best.. teaching, writing, helping and of course making money.

    I really aspire to just be me, and if some don't like me, well its not my loss.


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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    I want to help many people with my work. I don’t want to be rich, only to make enough money to pay my bills, but I do want to become very famous so that everyone may pay attention to my work. However, the fierce competition I’m facing online is hard to beat…

    I hope that with my persistence I will manage to prove the value of my work and I will become as famous as I need to be in order to be respected by my audience.

    I don’t want to be considered as if I was just another business owner online. I want to be special.

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